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Winston's timeline of life

  • Pepper protected me

    Pepper protected me
    pepper protected me when i was born and after
  • i was born into this world

    i was born into this world
    i was born on this day to my mother and father
  • Period: to

    my life

  • i sayed my first word

    i sayed my first word
    I said my first word which was daddy
  • my first birthday

    my first birthday
    My first birthday celebrated when i was one
  • moved to Marble Falls

    moved to Marble Falls
    I moved to Marble Falls.
  • I ran into a door.

    I ran into a door.
    i ran into a door and i had to get stitches
  • I moved to San Marcos

    I moved to San Marcos
    I moved to San Marcos
  • I rode my first bike

    I rode my first bike
    i rode my bike without any training wheels
  • Lilly was born

    Lilly was born
    My baby sister was born in San Marcos
  • i went to kindergarten

    i went to kindergarten
  • I met my 1st best friend

    I met my 1st best friend Cody in kindergarten.
  • I met my 2nd best friend

    i met Zach in 3rd grade
  • I met my 3rd best friend

    I met my 3rd best friend named Jose
  • Pepper died

    Pepper died
    My dog Pepper died on this day
  • I did a 10K

    I did a 10K
    I did my first 10K for the first time