Winston is born
Winston goes to boarding school
Graduation from college
Winston's father dies
Winston's first taste of war
Winston's many accomplishments
Winston dabbles in polo, becoming a champion polo player for his regiment, an excellent horseback rider. He also dabbled in journalism as he sends regular reports to a London newspaper, The Daily Graphic. -
Churchill as an officer in India
Churchill found this position boring, but spent his time doing useful things like reading and learning. -
Conservative Candidate for the town of Oldham
Winston was given a chance to run for this position, but, unfortunately, did not receive the position. His spirits were not defeated. -
Churchill imprisoned
After helping to get an armored train past derailed cars, Winston was caught and imprisoned by Boers, where he was sent to Pretoria. -
25 and a member of the parliament
After returning from the war, Churchill ran again in the election for Oldham, and won. -
Churchill declares independence from his family's beliefs
Churchill marries Clementine Hozier
Diana, Churchill's first child is born
Home Secretary job held
Churchill now has control over the British prison system. -
First Lord of the Admiralty
Churchill now is control of the navy and is preparing them for the possibility of war. -
Churchill blamed for the sinking of 3 British ships
Churchill was out of the country, in control, when German sank 3 British ships. Everyone blamed him. -
Churchill's second big turn in his life
In Chile, a British admiral ignored orders to keep all of his ships together. Because of this, German squadron attacked and killed 1,500 men including the admiral. This was again blamed on Churchill. -
Churchill's forced resignation
Churchill is forced to resign the admiralty. This was because of the Dardanelles's campaign. -
Begins painting
Lloyd George appoints Churchill Minister of Munitions
In charge of War Office
Election in Dundee
Lost election at Dundee.
Churchill says ta\hat he has no office, no seat in parliament, no party, and no appendix. -
Churchill's Tank
Churchill suggested the idea of tanks, others made it happen. -
Lloyd George offers the posion of the Colonial Secretary
Winston's mother dies
Marigold dies
House of Commons and Chancellor of the Exchequor
Churchill back in House of Commons as a Conservative...But not a fully devoted one He was later given the job in the cabinet, Chancellor of the Exchequor -
Miners general strike
First Lord of the Admiralty..again
Franklin Roosevelt's Death
The Big Three
The Big Three meet and agree that the Russians would participate in the war against Japan. -
Nationally, the labor party won. Winston received re-election in Epping. -
Japan Surrenders
After the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atom bombs. -
Churchill is Prime Minister once again at 77. -
Knight of the Garter
Churchill is awarded this from Queen Elizabeth II. This is one of the oldest honors in England. -
Sir Winston has a stroke before the Bermuda meeting. He miraculously recovers though! -
Nobel Prize for Literature
Churchill resigns at over 80 years old
Croix de la Liberation
Highest honor for service to the Free French Forces in WWII. -
Churchilll becomes honorary U.S. citizen
Winston dies of a stroke at age 90