Winston churchill

winston churchil

  • Birthday

    On November 30th, 1874 at Blenheim palace, in England, Winston Churchill was born. His father was Lord Randolph Churchill, and his mother an American born in Brooklyn, New York. This event is important because Winston Churchill would later grow up to change the world for the better.
  • Churchills move to Ireland

    Churchills move to Ireland
    Near Winston's 4th birthday, his Grandfather was appointed Duke of York. He invited his son, Lord Randolph Churchill to work as his secretary in Ireland. Lord Randolph Churchill accepted this invitation since he would not be invited to anymore social events in England. This event is important because in Ireland, Churchill will see public opinion about his family.
  • Montana becomes a State

    Montana becomes a State
    on November 8th, 1889 Montana became a U.S state. Montana was the 41st state to be added to the U.S. this event is significant because it increased the U.S territory.
  • Winston gets accepted into Sandhurst

    Winston gets accepted into Sandhurst
    Winston Churchill was studying hard for the entrance exams to get into Sandhurst. Winston took the entrance exams twice and he failed it both times. On his third attempt Winston passed. This event is important because it is what started off his military career.
  • Winston Joins his first war

    Winston Joins his first war
    when Winston finished calvary training, he went to Cuba, looking for a fine adventure. On Winston's 21th birthday, a band of Cuban guerrilas were flushed out by the Spainards. Winston soon relized that war was no adventure and was almost shot. This event is important because it would shape winstions personality and habits for the future
  • Winston's father dies

    Winston's father dies
    On January 24th, 1895 Winston Churchill's father died. Winston had almost Graduated from Sandhurst and was doing well in his studies. All Winston wanted to do was tell his father about it, but his father died before he had a chance. this event is important becausee his fathers death encouraged him to do great things in the future.
  • Winston Churchill was captured

    Winston Churchill was captured
    Winston Churchill was captured by a Boer and was sent to a prison in Pretoria, along with other captured soldiers. Winston Churchill then immediately looked for ways to escape, he and several British officers made an elaborate plan to escape, but he was the only one to succeed. Winston escaped, he entered a freight car and then fell asleep. When he awoke he marched 300 miles to a Portuguese colony and returned home. This is significant because Winston could have died.
  • Winston acheives first seat in parliament

    Winston acheives first seat in parliament
    The firs time Winston ran for a seat in parliament he lost. But Winston Churchill never quits, so he ran again and earned himself a seat. This event is important because it began his political career in parliament.
  • Winston's affect in the Great War

    Winston's affect in the Great War
    Winston Churchill was the Lord of Admiralty, which is the head of the Navy. When the Germans and British were officially at war, Churchill was quick to be the first line of defense. This event is important because there could've been a different outcome of the war, if it weren't for Churchill.
  • NFL is created

    NFL is created
    on August 20th, 1920 the NFL was officially created. The league was founded in Canton, Ohio. This event is significant because the NFL is a great pastime in American culture.
  • Malcolm X Birthday

    Malcolm X Birthday
    Malcolm X was a civil rights leader during the civil rights movement. He was born on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, NE. This event is important because Malcolm X is a huge inspiration to the Civil rights movement
  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday

    Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday
    MLK was born on Jan 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. his parents were martin Luther king, sr. and Alberta Williams king. this event is significant because MLK would change the would make social changes that would change the world forever.
  • Appointed Prime Minister

    Appointed Prime Minister
    Before Churchill became Prime Minister, he warned everybody about Hitler, but they just dismissed him as a warmonger. Later Hitler became a bigger threat and Chamberlin, the former Prime Minister was forced to reign. On that same night, Churchill was announced Prime Minister.
  • Hawaii becomes a state

    Hawaii becomes a state
    On August 21th 1959 Hawaii was officially made a state. this addition to the U.S made it the 50th state and the newest addition. This is important because Hawaii is now part of the U.S.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    The March on Washington was a Massive protest against unequal rights in America. Over 250,000 people attended this protest. this event is significant because it helps African Americans get equal rights.
  • Winston Churchill's death

    Winston Churchill's death
    On January 24th, 1965 in Kensington, England. Winston Churchill died. the cause of his death was a stroke. Winston lived to be 90 years old. This event is significant because Churchill was a symbol for the British people.