3.4 - Winning the War for Independence

  • Benjamin Franklin Recruits Foreign Aid

    Benjamin Franklin shifted the tide of the revolution by recruiting foreign aid (1776-1778). He went to France and had brobdingnagian success. He formed an alliance with France that became official in October of 1777 after the U.S. defeated the British at Saratoga. From this alliance, the U.S. received troops, France relinquished their land claims in the U.S., and recognized the U.S. as an independent nation.
  • Patriots Win The Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle of Saratoga was a key battle in the revolution, as it was a decisive victory for the Americans against the British. The patriot win in October 1777 greatly shifted the tide of the war in favor of the patriots because it boosted morale and it persuaded the French to formally join on the patriot side. British troops suffered 2 times the number of casualties as the Americans did.
  • The Continental Army Settles in For the Winter at Valley Forge

    The Continental Army Settles in For the Winter at Valley Forge
    George Washington and his Continental Army spent a grueling winter (Dec. 1777 - Jan. 1778) with inadequate clothing, insufficient food, and few supplies at Valley Forge. However, their encampment ultimately marked a major turning point in favor of Washington's forces after foreign officers provided their military expertise to the Continental soldiers. For example, Baron Friedrich von Steuben from Prussia, recruited by Benjamin Franklin, instilled confidence and discipline in the patriot troops.
  • Enslaved Men are Forced to Fight

    As a result of the news of French support spreading, fewer men enlisted into the Continental Army. As the war went on, the rate of enlistment steadily declined. Local government had the authority to draft men into the army. In the South some slave owners forced enslaved men to take their place so they would not have to fight.
  • King George III Moves the Battlefront South

    King George III Moves the Battlefront South
    As the revolution continued, King George believed that Americans in the south were more loyalist than patriot. This gave the British an upperhand at attack, and they were able to capture the state of South Carolina, seemingly making victory closer to their reach.
  • Continental Congress Faces A Financial Pickle

    Under the Articles of Confederation (1777-1789), the Continental Congress lacked authority to impose taxes on American citizens. In order to raise funds, the Congress resorted to accepting loans from wealthy patriots and their European allies such as France and the Netherlands. In addition to borrowing money, the Congress printed money of its own, which rapidly declined in value until it was practically worthless by 1780.
  • The Ladies Association of Philidelphia is Established

    The Ladies Association of Philidelphia is Established
    The Ladies Association of Philadelphia was established by the wives of local patriot leaders who raised funds and supplied critical resources for the Continental Army. They supplied items such as clothing, food, bandages, and bullets. The Ladies Association’s relief-providing efforts in Philadelphia inspired other women to lead similar organizations in other states, such as New Jersey.
  • The Battle Of Yorktown Ends the War for Independence

    The Battle of Yorktown was a decisive battle between the British and United States. With a combination of crucial French help, and a certain amount of luck, the US cornered the British army at Yorktown, Virginia. This British defeat effectively sealed the U.S.’s independence and won the revolutionary war.
  • Deborah Sampson Joins the Army Undercover

    Deborah Sampson Joins the Army Undercover
    In 1782, Deborah Sampson, a female patriot, disguised herself as a man named Robert Shurtleff and enlisted herself as a soldier. Sampson led patriot infantry men against loyalists in various scrimmages between the opposing parties and played a crucial role at the Battle of Yorktown (Sept.-Oct. 1781), where she dug trenches and stormed British forts.
  • The Treaty of Paris Is Signed

    The Treaty of Paris Is Signed
    The Treaty of Paris stated a formal end to the American Revolution. Signed by all parties who participated, the treaty was an agreement between nations on the effects of the war. The newly independent United States was granted all land south of Canada and north of Louisiana, as well as Florida to the Mississippi. The treaty declared the United states as independent.