Windows history

  • first programmable computer

    The Z1 made by a german
  • Windows 1.0

    The 1st one
  • Windows 2.0

    Windows 2.0
    It grew in betterness
  • Windows 3.0

    Windows 3.0
    upgraded it even more bttter
  • Windows 3.1

    Windows 3.1
    It went from not so good retro to AWESOME Non retro
  • dial up invented

  • Windows Chicago

    Windows Chicago
    Beta of windows 95
  • Windows 95

    Windows 95
    New start menu YAY WOO
    and NO DOS
  • Windows Memphis

    Windows Memphis
    Beta of windows 98
  • Windows 98

    Windows 98
    More improved then windows 95
  • Windows 2000 beta

    Windows 2000 beta
    Not really a codename
  • Windows 2000

    Windows 2000
    Its good
  • Windows ME

    Windows ME
    Last DOS based system in existance ( my first compouter )
  • Windows XP

    Windows XP
  • Windows Vista

    Windows  Vista
  • Windows 7

    Windows 7
    Really gud
  • 8

    SHIT 2
  • Windows 10

    NOW the latest system woo