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Windows TimeLine

  • DOS

    DOS is a Disk Operating System as its name suggests.
    Microsoft originally licensed DOS to IBM as an operating system to be used with IBM personal computers. This version of DOS was called PC-DOS.
    Currently, DOS is not a commonly used operating system, because it lacks a truly graphical interface, but also due to its technical limitation to support 16-bit applications. However, many DOS commands are still compatible with the Windows Platform.
  • Windows 1.0

    Windows 1.0
    It was the first Microsoft OS with graphical interface. It provides access to several practical software options: word processor, drawings, an address book, a calculator, etc ... but it was very slow. This version had a big bug and immediately the 1.1 was launched.
    CGA / Hercules / EGA (or compatible)
    MS-DOS 2.0
    256 KB Ram
    2 units of two sides each or a hard disk
  • Windows 2.0

    Windows 2.0
    Windows 2.0 allowed application windows to overlap each other; unlike its predecessor, Windows 1.0. Windows 2.0 also introduced more sophisticated keyboard shortcuts (and the terminology of "Minimize" and "Maximize"). They included VGA graphics (although only 16 colors, it also supported EGA, VGA). It was also the last version of Windows that could run on a floppy disk. The support for EMS also appeared for the first time.
  • Windows 3.0

    Windows 3.0
    Windows 3.0 includes an enhanced protected mode that allows applications to use more memory in a more convenient way. It can be run in any of the enhanced modes Real, Standard or 386, and is compatible with any Intel processor from 8086 to 80386. Windows 3.0 attempts to automatically detect the mode to be executed, although it may be forced to run in a specific mode using the commands.
    Standard mode (286)
    Improved Mode 386
    Added the Programs and Files Manager
    Support for Network
  • Windows NT

    Windows NT
    Windows NT Workstation provided a higher level of performance and security compared to Windows 95/98 / Me desktop operating systems. It was relatively easy to use and had the same desktop interface as Windows 98.
    A 32-bit multitasking operating system
    The capability to support Intel, Alpha platforms, and PowerPC
    Support for preventive multitasking
    Complete network capabilities and integration with NT Server
    Supports up to 4 GB of RAM and 256 terabytes of HDD.
  • Windows 95

    Windows 95
    It included the Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer, Windows 95 has integrated support for the Internet, dial-up network connection and new Plug and Play functions that facilitate the installation of hardware and software. The 32-bit operating system offers improved multimedia features, more efficient features for mobile computing equipment and integrated networks. To run windows 95 you need a computer with a 386DX processor or higher and at least 4MB of RAM.
  • Windows 98

    Windows 98
    This is an improved version, with respect to Windows 95. They incorporate all the innovations that have emerged since 1995 up to now.
    Taking advantage of all the PC and its accessories. In this way Windows 98 has collected all the extensions, plug - ins and utilities that have been appearing since the emergence of Windows 95, forming a version that includes all these features in a single package. Some examples may be the DirectX drivers, which existed for Windows 95, but were not included.
  • Windows 2000

    Windows 2000
    Designed to replace the Windows NT workstation as the operating system of the enterprise desktop computer, Windows 2000 Professional offered significant improvements in NT. The minimum recommended requirements for Windows 2000 Professional are, a Pentium 166 MHz, 64 Mb of RAM) and 2Gb of hard disk, with free space of at least 1 Gb. These are numbers for the W2000 Professional system to work. Server and Advanced Server versions require more powerful processors and more RAM (at least 256 Mb).
  • Windows Milenium

    Windows Milenium
    The start of the system was accelerated and it was no longer possible to distinguish between the MS-DOS and the GUI. In this version, it focused solely on compatibility with new 32-bit hardware. As a result, it only worked correctly with the new equipment that had it installed. This operating system was very unpopular due to its continuous errors and many disadvantages of use. These drawbacks caused their users to return quickly to the use of Windows 98, or to make the leap to Windows 2000.
  • Windows XP

    Windows XP
    Windows XP introduced new features: Most pleasant graphic environment
    Faster startup and hibernate sequences.
    The ability of the operating system to disconnect an external device, to install new applications and drivers without the need to restart the system.
    A new interface for easier use
    Use of multiple accounts
    ClearType, designed to improve text readability
    Remote Desktop
    Support for most ADSL and wireless modems, as well as the establishment of a FireWire network.
  • Windows Vista

    Windows Vista was designed to fix many of the perceived vulnerabilities in Windows XP. There were numerous complaints about the requirements of high memory and system resources, licenses, new digital rights management functions to reduce the copying of digital media and compatibility with previous versions. New features that were promoted include a new GUI called Aero and the ease with which you can create DVDs.
    OS improvements
    Windows Aero
    Instant search
    Windows Sidebar
  • Windows 7

    Windows 7
    Windows 7 is compatible with hardware and applications compatible with Windows Vista, and is easier to use and has better functionality. Among its most striking features we can mention the graphic redesign it suffered, as well as the new options it incorporates. Windows 7 introduces improvements in the overall performance of the operating system. He pretended to be much more intuitive than his predecessor, who received multiple criticisms from various sectors.
  • Windows 8.1

    Windows 8.1
    This version is aimed at solving problems of the previous version. It offers many improvements, they focus on the user experience, and that is why they have improved functions related to personalization, search, in the default browser, etc ... This version continues to maintain the same requirements.
  • Windows 8

    Windows 8
    In this version of the Microsoft operating system, the usual start menu disappears and a Start screen is introduced, which is the main driving center. It is designed to configure your computer through a Microsoft account, which allows you to link your PC to different services with Outlook. It has the Windows Store. You can download paid or free applications for your device.
    Requirements: 1GB (32 - bit) or 2GB (64 - bit) of RAM, 16GB (32 bits) or 20GB (64 bits) HDD, 1GHz processor or better.
  • Windows 10

    Windows 10
    For me one of the best family versions of Windows NT operating systems. Windows offered for one year the upgrade to this version for genuine copies of windows 7 and 8. The requirements do not change much. A processor at 1 GHz or better. 1GB for 32 bits or 2 GB for 64 bits.16 GB for 32 bits or 20 GB for 64 bits.
    It is an OS that consumes very little. It also offers better security. Windows learned and in this version we have the famous start button. It also provides several virtual desktops.