windows 1.0
The very first version of windows that had calculator, calendar, clipboard viewer, clock, note pad, paint, write, terminal, card-file, and Reversi -
windows 2.0
This version of windows now had keyboard shortcuts, had minimize and maximize, windows could now overlap, a control panel, graphics, and icons -
windows 3
better user interface and improvements to the memory and a macro recorder -
windows 95
USB and long file names but the long file names made the computer a hassle and made older programs unusable -
windows 98
came with flash player shockwave player and had vcache it also had a atm mode -
windows me
had movie maker internet explorer and could be upgraded to internet explorer 6 SP1 improved boot time -
windows 2000
windows 2000 had 2 major virus attack called code red and Nimda the patches kept coming for ten years but had an active directory and a directory system and it had different servers like professional advanced and data-center -
windows xp
began as neptune increased performance and stability improved user interface and hardware software -
windows vista
graphical user interface Aero windows search windows dvd maker -
windows 7
improved upon aero redesigned taskbar libraries homegroup multitouch action center -
windows 8
yet another improvement to the user interface to make it more tablet friendly and now had touch screen in mind and built in anti virus. -
windows 10
now supports universal apps now is on 2 in 1 PCs also has face recognition log in