Jan 6, 600
static elecricity
static elecricity was discovered and it helped make amber magnetic -
Ben Franklin Kite experiment
Ben Franklin hypothesized that lightening was electricity. -
battery power
First battery was created byAlessandro Volta. it is good because we can use elecronics where ever you want and you don't need a cord which means it is alot more portable and quicker to use -
First light bulb invented.
Humphry Davy made first lightbulb. The light bulb gave us light and heat. -
The first solar panel was made by Antonio Csar Becquerel it gave us energy from the sun to use our machinery and other electronic materials -
first watermill created
First watermill created by Lester Pelton made with turbine and two buckets. -
rechargable battery
first rechargable battery was made by Gaston Plante. it is important because it is the lead-acid battery and when it runs out you can recharge it -
first hydroelecroelectronic dam
first hydoelectronic dam wasw made and it gave us elecricity from the rushing water under the dam -
First windmill created
First windmill was created by James Blyths. it was important because it gave us electricity -
energy waves discovered by Henery Hertz
energy waves were discovered