win project

  • birth

    Anastasio Somozo Garcia, born in San Marcos on Feb. 1, 1896 anastasio somoza was born into the upper class family
  • assanation

    This gave him the power base to remove his wife's uncle, Juan Bautista Sacasa, from the presidency, and make himself president in 1937. I
  • election

    in December, Somoza was elected president by a margin of 107,201 votes to 100
  • presidency

    somazo garcia became president again in another hevily rigged election in 1940s and stayed president until 1950s
  • land

    anastasio garcia and his family for a while owned the most land in nicaragua they owned 51 cattle ranches and 46 coffe plantations
  • not running

    not running
    in 1944 somazo garcia was under pressure from the us and decided not to run to be reelected in 1947
  • when he died

    when he died
    anastasio garcia was shot by poet rigoberto perez and was then flown to panama canal zone and died a week later and his oldest son took over for him
  • elected

    anastasio garcia was elected president for the very first time right before his brothers death in 1967