The VanDerAa's Youngest

By Will787
  • I was born

    I was born
  • I made my first friend

    I made my first friend
  • I took my first steps

    I took my first steps
  • I watched the space shuttle launch on tv

    I watched the space shuttle launch on tv
  • Went up to my aunts cabin and watch the Beijing Summer Olympics

    Went up to my aunts cabin and watch the Beijing Summer Olympics
  • I learned how to swim

    I learned how to swim
  • I went camping for the first time

    I went camping for the first time
  • I went to lego land

    I went to lego land
  • My aunt moved to Michigan

    My aunt moved to Michigan
  • I got really into baking with my mom

    I got really into baking with my mom
  • Grandma on my moms side died

    Grandma on my moms side died
  • I broke my arm on my friends trampoline

    I broke my arm on my friends trampoline
  • I switched my friendgroup

    I switched my friendgroup
  • Trumps presidency started

    Trumps presidency started
  • I saw the solar elipse at my friends house

    I saw the solar elipse at my friends house
  • I caught my first pike

    I caught my first pike
    I was really into fishing and I always wanted to catch a pike.
  • I went to Hawaii

    I went to Hawaii
  • Covid Lockdown started

    Covid Lockdown started
  • 2020 I got my drivers license

    2020 I got my drivers license
  • Grandma on my dads side died

    Grandma on my dads side died
  • the capital was broken into

    the capital was broken into
  • Shaved my head

    Shaved my head