Willie Lee Slaughter grew up in Mississippi with his parents and at the tender age of 15 he let his family to begin his own life. On is quest to start his life he started is own family by marrying Janie Lewis, my grandmother.
By Lisa.Ware047
Family and farming
Willie and Jamie found themselves settling down in Turell, Arkansas where they both work farmland. They managed to provide for themselves during a deep depression -
Family and farming
They began their family with their first daughter my mother -
More children
The family began to grow abd a child was born every year for the next nine year -
More children and dysfunction
My grandfather was a rolling stone after my grandmother gave birth to her fifth child. He left to find work but cinviently found that he was better off without being responsible for his family -
My grandfather left his family
He went to find work to better his family but never returned, leaving my grandmother to raise her children on her own. My mother was a great help with caregiving for her younger siblings, and eventually she (my mother) started her own family by marrying my father -
My mother married and moved
My mother married my father in 1968 because she was pregnant, She and my father was the party couple. They dranked and argued most of the time -
I am the middle child of three. I have two sister