Apr 23, 1564
William Shakespeare has been born on April 23, 1564
William Shakespeare was born on this day. This day is important to most writers. -
Period: Apr 23, 1564 to
The Life Span
Aug 27, 1570
William Started His Education
When William was six he started his education. He attended the King Edward IV Grammar School. His tution was free because his dad was a public offical. -
Marriage Day
William married Anne Hathaway who is eight years older than him. William was 18 and Anne was 26. They had three childern in their happy marriage -
First Child
Susanna Shakespeare was born on May 23, 1583. She was bron a month after her father's birthday. -
Two Baby Boy Twins
The two twin boys, Hamlet and Judith were born on May 26th, 1585. Two years and 3 days after Susanna's arrival. -
First Writing
Henry IV was written on this date. This was his first writing ever published. The exact month and day is not known. -
Robert Greene wrote a pamphlet about William Shakespeare. He called William an "uprising cow" in writing. The exact date is not known only the year. -
Shakespeare Joined the Lord Camberlain Men
In this year, William jpined the Lord Camberlin Men. He wrotehis plays with him. -
Last Play
The Tempest was William's last play in 1611. The month and day is not known. This play was written 4 years before his death. -
William Shakespeare died on his birthday. It is a tragic event to the Elizabethen Era. His wriritng lived on for many centuries.