William Shakespeare's Life

By s1133
  • Period: Nov 17, 1558 to

    Queen Elizabeth I Takes the Throne

    Elizabeth I becomes queen at age 25 until she dies in 1603.
  • Apr 23, 1564

    Shakespeare's Birth

    Shakespeare's Birth
    Shakespeare is born.
  • Apr 26, 1564

    Shakespeare is Baptized

    Shakespeare is Baptized
    Shakespeare is baptized at Holy Trinity Church.
  • 1569

    Shakespeare Starts School

    Shakespeare Starts School
    Shakespeare starts education at a grammar school called King's New School.
  • 1579

    Shakespeare Graduates School

    Shakespeare Graduates School
    Shakespeare leaves school at 15 years old
  • Shakespeare Marries

    Shakespeare Marries
    Shakespeare gets married to Anne Hathaway.
  • Shakespeare's First Child is Born

    Shakespeare's First Child is Born
    Shakespeare's first child, Susanna, is born.
  • Shakespeare Moves to London

    Shakespeare Moves to London
    Shakespeare goes to London to pursue his career as a playwright.
  • Shakespeare's Second and Third Children are Born

    Shakespeare's Second and Third Children are Born
    Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway give birth to twins. A boy named Hamnet and a daughter named Judith.
  • First Play

    First Play
    Shakespeare wrote his first play, "Henry VIII Part II".
  • London Theaters Close

    London Theaters Close
    Overcrowding causes an outbreak of bubonic plague and theaters are forced to close
  • Shakespeare Writes Romeo and Juliet

    Shakespeare Writes Romeo and Juliet
    Shakespeare writes a tragic love story called Romeo and Juliet.
  • Theaters Reopen

    Theaters Reopen
    After recovering from a shutdown from an outbreak of bubonic plague, London theaters reopened to the public.
  • Shakespeare's Son Dies

    Shakespeare's Son Dies
    Shakespeare's only son, Hamnet, dies.
  • The Globe Theater is Opened

    The Globe Theater is Opened
    The Chamberlain's Men built the Globe in London.
  • Shakespeare Writes Hamlet

    Shakespeare Writes Hamlet
    Shakespeare writes a tragedy in five acts called Hamlet
  • Period: to

    King James of England Takes the Throne

  • Shakespeare's Sonnets are Published

    Shakespeare's Sonnets are Published
    Publisher Thomas Thorpe publishes about 154 of Shakespeare's Sonnets.
  • Shakespeare Returns Home

    Shakespeare Returns Home
    Shakespeare moves back to Stratford in 1613
  • Shakespeare's Death

    Shakespeare's Death
    Shakespeare dies.