William Shakespeare's Life

By s876944
  • 1564

    Shakespeare's Birth

    Shakespeare's Birth
    Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, a British city.
  • Apr 26, 1564


    On this day, William Shakespeare was baptized.
  • 1571

    Shakespeare Begins School

    Shakespeare Begins School
    It is unknown when Shakespeare began attending school. Clues and evidence say he was either six or seven.
  • 1579

    Shakespeare Leaves School

    Shakespeare Leaves School
    At the age of 15, Shakespeare leaves school.
  • Shakespeare Marries

    Shakespeare Marries
    At 18, Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway.
  • Elizabeth I Helps Theater Flourish

    Elizabeth I Helps Theater Flourish
    By attending performances she liked, more people decided to go as well. This was a huge part of Shakespeare's popularity.
  • Susanna's Birth

    Susanna's Birth
    Anne Hathaway gives birth to Shakespeare's first child, Susanna.
  • Hamnet and Judith's Birth

    Hamnet and Judith's Birth
    Hathaway gives birth to twins, upping the children to count to 3 and the family count to 5.
  • Shakespeare Leaves For London

    Shakespeare Leaves For London
    In 1590, Shakespeare leaves Stratford-upon-Avon to pursue his writing career.
  • Shakespeare's First Play

    Shakespeare's First Play
    Shakespeare's first play, Henry VI, Part II was performed in either 1590 or 1591. It's hard to tell because he left no written records.
  • Theaters Close

    Theaters Close
    Due to the plague, theaters close to prevent further spread of the deadly disease.
  • Theaters Reopen

    Theaters Reopen
    Theaters re-open due to the plague dying down and a people's thirst for new plays.
  • Hamnet Shakespeare's Death

    Hamnet Shakespeare's Death
    Hamnet died due to the bubonic plague while Shakespeare was touring. He would be buried days later at Holy Trinity Church.
  • Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet
    The most popular play of all time, Romeo and Juliet, is published.
  • New Home

    New Home
    Shakespeare buys a new house, which happens to be the second largest in Stratford-upon-Avon.
  • The Globe is Built

    The Globe is Built
  • Queen Elizabeth's Death

    Queen Elizabeth's Death
    Elizabeth I dies.
  • Sonnents

    Shakespeare's Sonnets is a book of his many poems together. They would be published in 1609.
  • Shakespeare's Last Performance

    Shakespeare's Last Performance
    Shakespeare's last performance was believed to be "The Two Kinsmen."
  • Shakespeare Returns to Stratford-upon-Avon

    Shakespeare Returns to Stratford-upon-Avon
  • The Globe Burns

    The Globe Burns
    A fire was accidentally started by a burning wadding and the Globe was set ablaze.
  • Shakespeare's Death

    Shakespeare's Death
    Shakespeare died due to an unknown illness on April 23, 1616. He would be buried at Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon two days later.