William Shakespeare life

  • Apr 23, 1564

    Birth of shakespeare

    Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-avon in england
  • Period: Apr 23, 1564 to

    William shakspeare's life

  • May 1, 1571

    attends King's new school

    At this year he went to get his education this school was well known for its great grammer (non-accurate month or day)
  • Feb 12, 1575

    The Queen visits

    Queen Elizabeth I visits near stratford and was said to ispire shakespeare into the whole theathre career(non-accurate date)
  • Marriage

    shakespeare married at age of 18 to Anne hathaway when she was 26
  • Birth of first child

    Shakespeare had his first child close to their wedding only about 3 months after their wedding
  • Birth of Shakespeare's twins

    at this year his twins Hamnet and Judith where born ,they were baptized febuary 2nd (non-accurate day)
  • Shakespeare Leaves family

    Shakespeare leaves his family to go with a group of actors to start his theatre career
  • Around when he started writing his sonnets and plays

    He started writing his 154 sonnets at age of 29 some including sonnet CXXVII and sonnet LXXI (not correct month or day)
  • Robert Greene's attack on shakespeare

    He attacks him by calling him an upstart crow and lacking of originality scince he uses ideas of others to inclde in his plays
  • Shakespeare's death

    Shakespeare returned back to Stratforn-upon-avon were he was to pass