Apr 23, 1564
William Shakespeare's birth
On April 23, 1564, William Shakespeare was born. -
Apr 26, 1564
William was baptized on April 26, 1564. He was the third child born. He had three younger brothers and two older sisters. -
Shakespeare started to attend school during 1577 at the age of 13. Most boys went to school at age 15 or 16. He was taught reading, writing, and the basics. -
Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway when he was 18 and she was 26. -
First child
Shakespeare's first child was born on May 26, 1583. She was named Susanna. -
Second and Third Child are born
William's second and third children are born on February 2, 1585. They were named Hamnet and Judith. The picture is of Hamnet. -
First play
Shakespeare's first published play is believed to be Venus and Adonis. -
Famous play
One of Shakespeare's most famous plays was published on this date. It was created between 1595-1596. It was called A Midnight Summer's Dream. -
John Shakespeare dies
John Shakespeare, William's father, died during 1601. -
Mary Shakespeare dies
Mary Shakespeare, William's mother, died and was buried on September 7, 1608. -
William Shakespeare's death
William Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616 at age 52. -
Shakespeare interred
Shakespeare was interred on April 25, 1616. -
Anne Hathaway dies
Shakespeare's wife, Anne Hathaway dies.