William Shakespeare

By s917436
  • 1558

    Queen Elizabeth

    Queen Elizabeth
    Queen Elizabeth comes into rule over London.
  • Apr 23, 1564

    Birth of Shakespeare

    Birth of Shakespeare
    born in Stratford-upon-Avon
  • 1570


    Shakespeare attended school where he learned to read, write, and speak. He dropped out of school at the young age of 15.
  • Marriage

    Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway.
  • Birth of First Child

    Birth of First Child
    Anne Hathaway and Shakespeare have their first child, Suzanna.
  • Birth of Twins

    Birth of Twins
    Shakespeare's twins, Hamnet and Judith, were born
  • Shakespeare's First Play

    Shakespeare's First Play
    Shakespeare wrote his first play, "Henry IV Part I", which was a history
  • Greene Attacks Shakespeare

    Greene Attacks Shakespeare
    Playwright Robert Greene, writes a horrible critique of Shakespeare.
  • The Plague

    The Plague
    Due to the bubonic plague, all theaters in London were forced to close
  • Shakespeare's First Poem

    Shakespeare's First Poem
    Shakespeare writes and publishes his first long poem, "Venus and Adonis".
  • Theaters Reopen

    Theaters Reopen
  • "The Rape of Lucrece"

    "The Rape of Lucrece"
    Shakespeare publishes " The Rape of Lucrece"
  • Death of Hamnet

    Death of Hamnet
    One of Shakespeare's twins dies due to unknown causes.
  • The Globe

    The Globe
    The Globe is built. Many of Shakespeare's plays were first performed here.
  • Death Leads to Hamlet

    Death Leads to Hamlet
    Shakespeare's father dies, and "Hamlet" is published. It is rumored that Shakespeare's father's death leads to him writing one of his most famous plays, "Hamlet".
  • King James

    King James
    Queen Elizabeth dies, and King James becomes king.
  • Sonnets Published

    Sonnets Published
    At the end of this year, all of Shakespeare's sonnets have been published and put into a collection.
  • Return to Stratford-upon-Avon

    Return to Stratford-upon-Avon
    It is unknown when Shakespeare moved to London,but it is estimated that he moved back to Stratford-upon-Avon between 1610 and 1613
  • Last Will

    Last Will
    Shakespeare makes his final revisions to his will.
  • Shakespeare Dies

    Shakespeare Dies
    Shakespeare dies on his birthday.