William Shakespeare

  • Apr 26, 1564

    Birth date and parents

    Birth date and parents
    William Shakespeare is born in 1564 in Stratford upon Avon. The date of his birth is unknown but he was baptized on April 26 so historians believe he was born sometime in April. Williams parents were John and Mary Shakespeare. Williams father John was a glove maker and a politician. Williams mother Mary was an actress but when she had kids she stayed home to care for them. (bio.com)
  • Jan 1, 1572


    Tycho Brahe discovers a nova in space. This is important because novas helped scientists discover more about space. (textbook 508)
  • Jan 1, 1581


    Czar Ivan the terrible of Russia kill his son Iheirl. This was a problem because his son was his only heir and people began to fear Ivan. (textbook 508)
  • Marriage and children

    Marriage and children
    William married Anne Hathaway at age 18 while Anne was 26. A few months after getting married Anne gave birth to their first daughter Anne on May 26. Two years later the couple gave birth to a set of twins Hamnet and Judith. Unfortunately Hamnet dies at age 11 on August 11 in 1593. Anne was a homemaker and counted on William for money. (bio.com)
  • First famous play

    First famous play
    William Shakespeare wrote his first play Henry VI part one in the year 1590. This is significant because it was how Shakespeare started his career of being a play writer. This play marks the start of an English mastermind. (absoluteshakespeare.com)
  • Lord Chamberlains Men

    Lord Chamberlains Men
    From the year 1594 onward Shakespeare was apart of a "playing company" called Lord Chamberlains Men. This play company was important because it showed Shakespeare's talent and passion for the art of plays. This group was formed to excite and amaze the audiences of their plays. (tlcm.co)
  • Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet
    Romeo and Juliet was originally published in 1597. This is important because Romeo and Juliet creates a love story between two people who can't be together. Romeo and Juliet creates a universal theme that people today still write about. This story is important because it was one of Shakespeare's major works that still inspires many people today. (theaterfolks.com)
  • Globe Theater is Built

    Globe Theater is Built
    In the year 1599 the globe theater is built. This is significant because this is where many of Shakespeare's plays were performed. The globe theater was also home to a group of men called Lord Chamberlains men which included Shakespeare. The globe theater had two main stages. The theater only allowed male actors which meant that many males had to play Williams female roles. (Shakespeare-.com)
  • Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    This play was first performed at the globe theater on September 2, 1599. This important because it shows that a really important theater like the globe theater accepted to perform one of his plays. This was the start of many of Shakespeare's plays being performed at the globe theater. (absoluteshakespeare.com)
  • Hamlet

    Hamlet was written in 1601. Many people think that this story was inspired by the death of Shakespeare's father John who died that same year. Hamlet is important because it is one of the greatest literacy pieces. Hamlet is also said to be one of the hardest plays to perform because of the strong words, feelings, and emotion that Shakespeare put into the text. (editoreric.com)
  • England

    Queen Elizabeth I dies ending Tudor rule in England. This also ended the Elizabethian age in England. This also released trouble for finding a new ruler since the queen had no children. (textbook 387)
  • Japan

    In this year the tokugawa regime begins. This is the last military government rule for Japan. (textbook 387)
  • Canada

    In the year 1608 Champlain sets out in Canada on the St. Lawrence river. He finds new land and names it Quebec. (textbook 387)
  • Italy

    Galileo uses telescope to study the moon. This is significant because it was the first time any one looked at the moon with a telescope. (textbook 50)
  • Macbeth

    Macbeth was first performed in 1611. This is one of Shakespeare's most important works because it introduces the universal themes of greed and power. Macbeth is still today very popular because of how well written it is. Shakespeare uses very strong characters to create the power fullness of the story. This is important because he uses strong characters to show how power can destroy them. (Enotes.com)
  • Shakespeare's Death

    Shakespeare's Death
    Shakespeare died in the month of April which was also the month he was born in. He died at the age of 52 as a very wealthy man. His plays continued to be performed after his death and are still born today. (shmoop.com)