
william shakespeare

  • 1564

    william shakespeare

    william shakespeare
    shakespeare is generally recognized as the greatest writer of all time, a unique figure in the history of literature. The fame og other poets, such as Leon Tolstoy or Charles Dickens, has transcended national barriers, but none of them has reached the reputation of Shakespeare, whose works are read and represented today more frequently and in more countries than ever.
  • Apr 23, 1564

    william shakespeare

    william shakespeare
    William Shakespeare was a dramatist, English poet and actor. Known on occasion as the Bard of Avon, Shakespeare is considered the most important writer in the English language and one of the most famous of universal literature
  • obra de william shakespeare

    obra de william shakespeare
    Tito Andrónico (1594), Romeo y Julieta (1595), Julio César (1599), Hamlet (1601), Troilo y Crésida (1602), Otelo (1603-1604).
  • obra más importante de william shakespeare

    obra más importante de william shakespeare
    Romeo and Julieta: Tragedy written in 1597 that tells the story of two young lovers whose families rival, so they oppose the relationship. Before the refusal of their relatives, they marry in hiding and live together. The pressure that this rivalry of their families meant, in addition to other fatalities, led the suicide of the two lovers
  • william shakespeare

    william shakespeare
    Nickname: Bard of Avon
    Birth: April 23 as 1564 Stratford-upon-avon, warwickshire, Kingdom of England
    Death: April 23 May 3, 1616 (52 years old)
    Cause of death: Fever
    nationality: English
  • william shakespeare cause of his death

    william shakespeare cause of his death
    William Shakespeare was an English playwright, poet and actor. ... Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, and has always tended to associate his death with alcohol intake. He died, according to the most widespread comments, as a result of a strong fever, due to his drunkenness