Apr 23, 1564
birth date
Apr 26, 1564
The Bard Is Baptized
William Shakespeare is christened at Holy Trinity Church in Stratford. -
Jan 1, 1571
Grammer school
Shakespeare went to a local grammer school at the age 7 -
Shakespeares wedding
Shakespeare falls in love that year and marries anne Hathaway who is 8 years older than he is -
Shakespeare child
Shakespeare frist child is born, susanna -
Shakespeares twins
Shakespeares Frist twins are born Judith and hamnet -
Shakespeare leaves
Shakespeare leaves his family for 7 years to join acompany of actors to start carrer. -
Shakespeares frist play
Shakespeare wrote his frist play, henry IV part 1, 2, 3 -
Shakespeares plays
shakespeare wrote many famous plays during 1590-1600s no one knows the persise date for those plays though -
Shakespeare performs a play
A Midsummer’s Night is performed at Hampton Court before Queen Elizabeth who dies later that year. James I originally James VI of Scotland proves to be an enthusiastic patron of the arts granting The Chamberlain’s Men a patent to perform. In return the Company renames itself The King’s Men to honour James I and they quickly become a favorite with the new king. -
more of Shakespeares plays
Antony And Cleopatra is believed to have been composed. -
The Tempest
The tempest was written -
Shakespeares death
Shakespeare dies