
William Shakespeare

By s883027
  • Period: 1558 to

    Queen Elizabeth

    From 1558, before Shakespeare was even born, to 1603, a few years before Shakespeare died, Queen Elizabeth was the queen of England. It is believed that she loved the theatre and viewed some of Shakespeare's plays.
  • 1564


    William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. the exact date is unknown, but we do know it was before April 26.
  • Apr 26, 1564


    Shakespeare was baptized on April 26th, 1564. Since he was baptized on April 26th, we know that he was born before that date
  • Period: 1571 to 1579

    Grammar school

    At the age of 7 years old, many boys, including Shakespeare, went to grammar school. Back then, schooling was different, and the children learned to read, write, and speak in Latin. Shakespeare probably left school at the age of 15 years old.
  • 1582


    In late 1582, Shakespeare married a woman named Anne Hathaway. We do not know the exact date of his marriage, but we do know the year. While most men of this time period married in their mid-to-late 20's, Shakespeare married at the age of 18 years old.
  • 1582


    Shakespeare was only 18 or 19 years old when his first daughter, named Susanna, was baptized. She was baptized only 6 months after Shakespeare married. His daughter is believed to be the reason why he married so early.
  • Twins

    In 1585, William and Anne had two more children, twins, named Hamnet and Judith. Anne and the three children probably lived with William's parents at first. Later, they moved to New Place, a large house in Stratford. It was a strange family life, since William spent most of his time 100 miles away, in London.
  • Period: to

    Living in London

    From 1590 to 1613, William Shakespeare lived in London. By 1592, he was a well-known actor there.
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    Working at St. Helen's

    In the mid-1590's, Shakespeare worked at St. Helen's, assisting with taxes.
  • Henry Vl

    Henry Vl
    In 1592, Shakespeare's play, Henry Vl, was performed at the Rose Theatre.
  • Period: to

    Paris Gardens

    From 1598-1602, Shakespeare worked at Paris Gardens.
  • The Globe

    In 1599, a theatre opened called the globe an it was huge success!
  • Period: to

    Owning the Theatre

    From 1599 up until his death, Shakespeare was a part-owner of the theatre.
  • 20,000 per week!

    By the year 1600, theatre goers numbered in about 20,00 people per week!!!
  • Silver Street

    Shakespeare rented lodges on Silver Street
  • Period: to

    Performing for royalty

    From about 1603 to 1613, Shakespeare's company performed for the king about 15 times a year. That is about 45 times!
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    King James 1 of England

    After Queen Elizabeth's rule ended, King James 1 of England took the throne on March 24th, 1603 and remained there until his death on March 27th, 1625. Shakespeare dies while he had the throne. Similar to Queen Elizabeth, it is believed that he also saw a few of Shakespeare's plays.
  • Sonnets

    In 1609, Shakespeare published a book of 154 sonnets
  • Fire at the Globe

    Disaster struck the globe in June of 1613, it caught on fire! Luckily, nobody was harmed!!!
  • Death

    In January of 1616, Shakespeaere wrote his will. On the 23rd of April, also known as St. George's Day. Shakespeare could have been born on St. George's Day as well, since he was baptized on the 26th of April, 3 days after St. George's Day. He was buried in the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon.