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William Shakespeare

  • 1564

    Stratford upon Avon, United Kingdom

    Stratford upon Avon, United Kingdom
    Place of birth
  • Period: 1564 to


    He has influence us as people. Creating over 1700 words in English
  • Apr 23, 1564


    He is believed to be born on April 23, 1564. There is no record of his actually birthday.
  • Married Anne Hathaway

    Married Anne Hathaway
    Married Anne while she was Pregnant with their first child. They rushed getting married because of her being pregnant at the time.
  • Period: to


    William had 3 children named Susan Shakespeare and twins Judith Shakespeare and Hamnet Shakespeare
  • Period: to

    Created 37 Plays Overall

    Over this time period, Shakespeare wrote over 37 plays.
  • Actor

    Around this time, it is said that William was an acting actor and beginning his playwright career.
  • His First Published Work

    His First Published Work
    The first published work was 'Venus and Adonis'.
  • Hamnet Shakespeare Dies

    Hamnet Shakespeare Dies
    At 11 years old, William's son passes away
  • Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet
    William's popular piece of work or play was this love story between Romeo and Juliet. It is famously popular till this day.
  • New Place

    New Place
    With the money he earned at his Globe Theatre, he bought he his home named New Place.
  • Globe Theatre Built

    Globe Theatre Built
    Theatre that William Shakespeare was part of owning. This is where some of his famous plays took place.
  • Period: to

    Hamlet Play

    Named "The Tragedy of Hamlet" was William's most famous play. This is considered one of his best works.
  • Father dies

    Father dies
    John Shakespeare dies , the father of William Shakespeare
  • The Lord Chamberlain's Men

    The Lord Chamberlain's Men
    William Shakespeare became part of the company and performed plays all over
  • Globe Theatre burns down

    Globe Theatre burns down
    In 1613 on June 29th. The theatre burned down after a performance of “Henry Vlll” that William had wrote on. It was a mistake if the cannons or guns going off and starting the fire.
  • Heath Issues

    Heath Issues
    Mikulicz's syndrome is what is said that William had delt with. It is a form of cancer.
  • William Shakespeare Dies

    William Shakespeare Dies
    What is crazy that he died on his birthday in 1616.
  • Anne Hathaway Dies 1623

    Anne Hathaway Dies 1623
    She dies 7 years after her husband's death.
  • Period: to

    Went to London

    It was alleged that William Shakespeare was escaping to London to get away from some punishment that was suppose to come his way. It is not known the reason. These are known as the “Lost Years”.