William Shakespeare

  • Apr 23, 1564

    Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford Upon Avon, to the parents of John and Mary Shakespeare. His father, John, had been elected into the common coucil of in 1557 and was a successful glove maker of the town. His mother, Mary, was the youngest of eight daughters and had inherited her fathers farm where she grew up. The birth of William Shakespeare is important because he would go on to becoming one of the most successful playwright of the age. source: (Loxton, 10)
  • Jan 1, 1566

    Emporer Jiajing

    Emporer Jiajing
    In 1566 in China Emporer Jiajing has been withdrawing from governing. Eventually these withdrawals lead to his death in 1567. Emporer Jiajing was the 11th Emporer of the Chinese king dynasty. He had these withdrawals because he suffered from speech impairment which caused his to stutter. His death caused great sadness but after another great leader took his place. Source: (Emporer jiajang)
  • Jan 1, 1568

    Protestants revolt

    Protestants revolt
    In 1568, protestants in the Netherlands, led by Prince William of Orange revolt against rule by the Catholic monarch Phillip II. At this time The Eighty Years' war also begins. This event is important because it showed the act of strength on the behalf of the protestants. source: (Smitha)
  • Shakespeare's Marriage

    Shakespeare's Marriage
    On November 28, 1582 at the age of eighteen young Shakespeare marries 26 year old Anne Hathaway. The couple had three children, Susanna,and twins named Hamnet, and Judith. Around the same time Shakespeare began to focus more on his occupation of a poet, playwright, and author which makes this event signifcant because WIlliam Shakespeare would soon have to leave behind his family to move to London where he further continued his succesful lifestyle. (Shellard, 142)
  • Shakespeare leaves Stratford

    Shakespeare leaves Stratford
    In 1590 Shakespeare's career started to take shape. He began to write one of his first plays called "Henry VI part 1" which would later be published to a folio edition in 1623. Around this same time Shakespeare leaves his family and moves to London where some of his greatest accomplishments would be achieved. Scholars have predicted he left his family to follow his life as an actor where his fame would grow to the people around the world. source: (Rowse, 17)
  • The modern microscope

    The modern microscope
    In 1590 Mechanical inventions are on their way to advancing science. A spectacles maker in the Netherlands, experimenting with several lenses in a tube, discovers that nearby objects appear greatly enlarged. With This discovery the modern microscope is born. It is unclear who actually discovered the first microscope but all that matters is the importance of this discovery. The microscope helped scientist to see smaller objects such as microorganisms, cells, plants, etc. source: (Smitha)
  • Roanoke

    On August 18,1590 the settlement at Roanoke is found abandoned. The settlers there only left behind two clues, which were "Croatoan" and "Cro".Theories about the disappearance have differed from a possible disease to a violent rampage by local Native American tribes. This event is important because it teaches us the history of earlier times that researchers today still gaze upon today. source:(Basu)
  • 154 Sonnet Collection

    154 Sonnet Collection
    In 1593 Shakespeare begins to compose the first of what will become a 154 sonnet collection. Sonnets are fourteen-line lyric poems, in lines ten syllables long.The sonnet collections included stories that had to do with handsome men, a rival poet, or love. Shakespeare mastered the sonnet in the English language and his collection inspired a numerous amount of poets including Robert Frost. The collection would later become something people enjoyed tremendously. Source: (Alchin)
  • The first thermometer

    The first thermometer
    In Italy during 1593 Galileo develops the basis of first thermometer. He discovered the principles of which a thermometer is based off of which are that the density of a liquid changes in proportion to its temperature.The discoveries that Galileo found were a significance to later on when the first thermometer was put into use. The development of the thermometer is important because they measure the temperatures of items which can be important in different situations. source: (Smitha)
  • The Globe Theatre

    The Globe Theatre
    In 1599 The Globe Theatre was built by Shakespeare and his playing company known as The Lord Chamberlains Men. Little did they know this Theatre would become such a big part of Shakespeare's career and to the people of the past and today. The globe was built on the south bank of Thames and seated up to 3000 people. The theater allowed Shakespeare to use his talents to the fullest which attracted many to his productions source: (Moran)
  • Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    In 1600, the production of Julius Caesar is performed at The globe. Julius Caesar was the first known William Shakespeare play to be performed at The Globe Theatre. the tradegy of Julius Caesar was believed to be written in 1599 but wasn't performed until a year later when The Globe was finished. The play was later published in 1623 in the same folio edition Macbeth was published in. This event is important because it really set the stage for Shakespeare's career in playwright Source: (Alchin)
  • Dutch success

    Dutch success
    on April 25,1607 the Dutch defeat a Spanish fleet at Gibraltar. During the Eighty Years' War a Dutch fleet surprised and engaged a Spanish fleet anchored at the Bay of Gibraltar. During the four hours of the lasting outbreak, most of the Spanish ships were destroyed.The Dutch were led by Jacob van Heemskerk and the Spanish were led by Don Juan Álvarez de Ávila. This event shows us the relationships between the Dutch and Spanish which is important to historians of today. source: (Smitha)
  • Shakespeare moves back to Stratford

    Shakespeare moves back to Stratford
    In 1611 Shakespeare leaves London and moved back to Stratford. Scholars are not sure exactly why he decided to move back, but Shakespeare had become rich and famous living in London and had kept business interest in his home town of Stratford. People who study Shakespeare infered he moved back to get away from the noisy, rowdy city of London. Moving back was an important event because a few years later he would sign his will and pass as a successful playwright in his home town. Source:(Rowse,17)
  • Fire destroys The Globe

    Fire destroys The Globe
    In 1613 during the production of Henry VII The Globe Theatre went up in flames. On this day staged canon fire during the performance ignited a fire and burned the place down. This event is significance in the lifetime of Shakespeare because the The Globe meant so much to him and his company. To see such a tragic accident happen shocked himself and so many others attending his performances there at the time no one really knew whether they would be able to rebuild the theater. Source: (McDonough)
  • The Globe Theatre is rebuilt

    The Globe Theatre is rebuilt
    In 1614 The Globe Theatre had finally been rebuilt. But then later on it had closed in 1642 by the Puritans, and was given a modern reconstruction of the original Globe that reopened for a third time in 1942. Why was the Globe rebuilt so many times though? Well, that question shows the significance of the Theatre. Clearly The Globe was popular in London and later on became a great tourist attraction. Many who urged reconstruction clearly knew the history behind it. Source: (Globe Theatre)
  • Date of Death

    Date of Death
    Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616 at the age of 52.. Dr. Hall proposed that his death was caused from an infectious fever but we will never really know for sure what happened. His reputation grew quickly after his death and in 1623 his plays were gathered together into a folio edition. 370 years later Shakespeare still has a reputation that stands so high. His works of literature have inspired poets, young authors, and the world. source: (Shellard, 144)