Apr 26, 1564
He was born in 1564 in the English town of Stratford-upon-Avon. -
Aug 20, 1576
Junior's time
His education he received at first in the Stratford grammar school and then continued his studies at the school of King Edward the Sixth. -
Sep 11, 1582
Junior's time
At the age of eighteen, he acquires a family -
His wife Ann
His fiancee becomes pregnant girl named Anne -
In the writer's family had three children. -
Life in London
The 20-year-old Shakespeare left his native city, he moved to London. There, his life consists not easy: in order to earn money, he was forced to settle for any job in the theater. Then trust him to play small roles -
Literary activity
The first book of the writer was published in 1594. She brought him success, money and recognition. Despite this, the writer continues to work in the theater. -
Appear at the theater and his plays Shakespeare becomes a co-owner of the troupe called "Servants of the King" -
The great playwright William Shakespeare Died April 23, 1616 in his hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon. According to his will, his body was buried under the altar of the church in Stratford.