Apr 30, 1563
Margaret Dies
Shakespeare's eldest sister dies. -
Apr 23, 1564
Shakespeare is born
Shakaespeare's birthdate is unknown but they think it was on April 23, 3 days before he was baptized. -
Apr 26, 1564
William has records of being baptized on April 26, 1564 but has no records of when he was born -
Married to Anne Hathaway
Susanna was born
William and Anne's first child -
Had Hamnet and Judith the twins -
Shakespeare loses job
The theatre Shakespeare worked at closed because of the Bunonic Plague -
Hamnet died
William and Anne's only son dies -
Susanna gets married
Shakespeare's eldest daughter gets married -
First Granddaughter
Susanna had a baby with John Hall and was named Elizabeth and was the only grandchild of William and Anne. -
William dies
Shakespeare died of a fever -
Anne Shakespeare dies
Shakespeare's wife dies