Apr 23, 1564
Event #1 William Shakespesare was born in Statford Upon Avon in 1564 on april 23rd. There is no exact record of the day he was born. philosophers chose april 23 becasue he got baptized 3 days later and that was a normal time to wait 3 days after you were born to get baptized. This is significant becuase it was the start of his life. source: "Folger Shakespeare Library." Folger Shakespeare Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Dec. 2015. -
Apr 26, 1564
Event #3 William Shakespeare was baptized in Stratford-Upon-Avon on April 26 1564, in the Trinity Parish Church it was 3 days after he was born. This is significant becuase it means Shakespeare was religious Source: "Folger Shakespeare Library." Folger Shakespeare Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Dec. 2015.
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Dec 31, 1564
Columbian exchange
Event #2 the columbian exchange was between Europe and America it started Dec 31, 1509 to Dec 31, 1649 they exchanged animals,plants and diseases. This is significant becuase this is how people started to share ideas. sources:"The Columbian Exchange." The Columbian Exchange. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Dec. 2015. -
Jan 1, 1565
Rio De Janeiro
Event # 4 Rio De Janerio was founded in 1565. It is a city in Brazil and it is known for its glourious beaches. This is significant because it has become a huge city and it will host the 2016 Olymics and the world cup as well. source:(Grun 251) -
Sep 1, 1570
Event #5 William Shakespeare started school when he was 6 years old in 1570 in September At the King Edward Grammar school in Stratford-Upon-Avon. This is significant becuase it shows how well educated he was in grammar, rhetoric, composition, oration and versification. Source: (Byers 142) -
Jan 1, 1573
Sir Francis Drake
event #6 Sir Francis Drake was the first to see the Pacific Ocean in 1573. Sir francis Drake was a sea captain, navigator and privateer. This is significant because this discovery changed all maps.
source: (Grun 253) -
Event #7 Wialliam Shakespeare got married on november 27th 1582 to a girl named Anne Hathaway she was the daughter of yeoman farmer. The Ceremony for the wedding was a catholic ceremony. This is significant becuase they started a family a year later. Source: "A Biography of Shakespeare, Greatest Writer of the English Language." About.com Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Dec. 2015. -
Spanish Armada
Event #8 The spanish armada happened in july 29, 1588. It was a spanish naval invasion force against england. The english fleet defeated it and this is significant becuase it gave england freedom. Sorce: "Spanish Armada Defeated." History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 028 Dec. 2015. -
First Play
Event #9 Williams Shakespeares wrote his first play in 1590 it was called the Comedy of errors. This play was about a set of identical twins and the genre is a comedy. This is signifigant because this was the fist play of many that started his career as a play writer. Source: (Byers 143) -
Period: to
Event # 10 The plague broke out during june 1592 and april 1594. the plague killed tons of people it was infectious disease. This is significant beucase it spread rapidly throughout europe killing tons of people. source: "Homepage." History Today. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. -
Romeo and Juliet
Event # 11 William Shakespeare started writing Romeo and Juliet january 1, 1596. This play is about two people falling in love but they can't be together because there is a feud between their familys. This play is significant because this is one of the most famous plays that he has written. Source: "A Biography of Shakespeare, Greatest Writer of the English Language." About.com Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Dec. 2015. -
The Globe Theatre
event#12 The globe theatre was built in the year 1599 but there is no exact date for when they started builting it. William Shakepeare owned it along with 6 other chamberlain men. The theatre is located in london, before the theatre was built companies used yards and college halls for their preformances. This is significant because alot of Shakespeares plays were preformed here. source:"A Biography of Shakespeare, Greatest Writer of the English Language." About.com Education. N.p., n.d. Web. -
Event # 13 Jamestown was founded in 1607. The colony Jamestown is located in Virgina. This event is significant because it was the first permanent english settlement in the united States. Source (Grun 271) -
Galileo Galilei
Event #15 Galileo discovered the moons of jupitor 1610. he was looking through the telescope and saw 3 stars near the planet. this is significant because this changed alot of theories about space and opened doors to other discoveries source: "Science in School | Www.scienceinschool.org." Science in School | Www.scienceinschool.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Dec. 2015. -
Final Play
Event # 14 William Shakepeares final play was Henry VIII It was written in 1613, 3 years before William Shakepeare died. During the henry VIII preformace in the Globe theatre it burnt to the ground. This is significant because this is the last thing he ever wrote before he died. souce: "Folger Shakespeare Library." Folger Shakespeare Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Dec. 2015. -
Event #15 William Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616 his death is a mystery but we do know that William Shakepeare was sick before his death and he also signed a Will a mounth before he died so they think Shakespeare knew his illness was going to kill him. This is significant because it was the ending of an amazing writers life. Sourse: (Harper & Row 52)