Apr 11, 1564
Peace of Troyes
The Peace of Troyes ended the First War of Religion between England and France. The war was 1 of 9 wars that split France for 40 years. This war started because of hostilities between two religions. England had intervened in the Frech war because of their loss of Calais, a city they had for 200 years. England had hopes of gaining back the land but after the treaty was signed, each side reserved their rights to the city, but meant England had lost complete control forever.(www.encyclopedia.com) -
Apr 23, 1564
William Shakespeare has no birth records, but was babtized on April 26,1564. This is why he was believed to be born on April 23, 1564 in Stratfrod-Upon-Avon, England. His Parents were Mary Arden and John Shakespeare. (www.biography.com) -
Dec 10, 1577
Francis Drake embarks on voyage around the world
In 1577 Sir Francis Drake begins his expedition around the world. He started off in London, England and was succesful in completeing his votage. Drake ended up bring the first Englishmen to travel the World in one expedition. Not only that but he was the first to sail the Pacific and Indian ocean. Because of his trip, the English were able to travel further with knowledge of what was there. (library.thinkquest.org) -
May 31, 1578
Discovery of Roman Catacombs
In 1578 a catacomb enterance was found accidently north of Rome, on the Via Salaria. The man who discoverd them was barely two years old when he found it, that man was Antonio Bosio. Bosio was the first to find such significance in a find. December 1593, when Bosio was 19 he vistied the catacombs again and had found many entrances and pathways leading to more and more catacombs. Because of his discovery, parts of history was unlocked. (www.christianity.com) -
Jan 1, 1581
Russian Conquest of Siberia
The Russian conquest of Siberia lasted from 1581 till 1598. The Stroganov Family was very powerful and ruled a large empire in the city of Perm. The family hired a Cossack detachment to defeat Khanate of Sibir. The attack was a success, expanding the empire of the family and started the Russian Conquest of Siberia. (www.reeec.illinois.edu -
William Sheakespeare became married to Ann Hathaway in 1582. William married her at the age of 18. The couple had three kids together, Susanna, Hamnet, and Judith. Susanna was born May after their marriage and the twins two years later. After their birth, the family moved and no records were found from that time until 7 years later. This period of time in Shakespeare's life was what scholars called the "lost years". (www.biography.com) -
First Comedy
In 1589, it is believed that Shakespeare started writing his first comedy, "The Comedy Of Errors". It took him five years to write it, though it wasn't published till 1623. This play is one of the shortest of his works, but took him the longest to write. "The Comedey of Errors" was about mistaken identies arounf two indentical twin brothers. (www.shmoop.com) -
First Tradgey
"Titus Andronius" is Shakespeare's first tragedy. He finished this play in 1594, but like the most of his wokrs, it wasn't published till after his death. In the play, Roman general Titus Andronius has to face revenge from his nemesis, Tamora. His daughter got raped by her sons, but she wasn't able to commmunicate what happened. Once Titus found out he killed them and feed their remains to Tamora in a pie. (www.shmoop.com) -
Venus and Adonis
"Venus and Adonis" was one of two narrrative poems Shakespeare had written. Due to a plague in England the theatre closed causing Shakespeare to write these poems. He wrote "Venus and Adonis" for Earl of Southamptom. The poem is about a girl, Venus is trying to pursuade a hunter, Adonis to kiss her. Adonis refuses because he is young and only interested in hunting. Once they seprate from each other, Adonis is killed in a hunting "accident". (Tyle) -
Galileo Thermometer is invented
In 1593 Galileo inveted rudimentary water thermoscope which allowed temperature to be measured. Thought his invention is called a themrometer, it truly a thermoscope because it indicated the changes of different temperatures. Galileo's invention was a container filled with bulbs of varying mass. Each thermometer was marked with the variatoins of temperatures, as the temperature changes so does the buoyancy of water and the bulbs with it. (inventors.about.com) -
Became Principal Writer for Lord Chamberlin's, Men in London
In the year of 1594, Shakepeare become apart of Lord Chamberlin's, Men in London. Withtin that year he became prinicipal writer and also was one of their leading actors in the company. While he was apart of this group, The Globe was built, a famous theatre of Shakespeare's time. Many of his plats were performed in this theatre. (Encyclopedia of World Biography) -
Romeo and Juliet
One of the most well known plays written by William Shakespeare is "Romeo and Juilet". It was written in 1594 and finished the following year. In this tragedy two young teenagers fall in love, Romeo and Juliet. The only problem is their families each hate eachother and don't approve of the realtionship. They do everything in there powerer to see eachother, but sometimes love is doomed to fail. (www.shmoop.com) -
Newfoundland Colony founded
In 1583 Newfounfland was reaffirmed as a British settlement. Not until 1610 was the first colony established on the new land. London and Bristol merchants recieved a charter for the settlement. They began building and later the colony made John Guy its first Govenor. (www.tidespoint.com) -
The Tempest
The Tempest is Shakespear's most popular romance. Written in 1611 the play was his last play that he wrote by himself. The play tells a story about an old magician and his young daughter who have been living in exile on a island for 12 years. The magacian uses his magic to create a tempest to cause a shipwreck to the men who caused their exile. (www.shmoop.com) -
On April 23, 1616 it was believd that William Shakespeare had passed away. In the same place he was born, William had died in Stratford-Upon- Avon, England. Shakespeare died at the age of 52 and is believed to have been sick and passed because of that. (shakespeare.about.com) -
Most of Shakespeare's plays were published after his death. Fellow actors gathered his plays and published them for hi,. Without them some of Shakespeare's most famous plays may have never been seen or performed for the rest of the world. (Tyle)