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William Shakespear

By DJ_Levi
  • Apr 24, 1564

    William Shakespears Birth

    Birth Place: Stratford-upon-Avon (London, England)
    Father: John Shakespeare - Member of Stratford's ruling elite
    Mother: Mary Arden - Wealthy Women
    Baptised: 26 April, 1564
  • Period: Apr 26, 1564 to

    William Shakespears Life Time

  • Apr 28, 1570

    William Shakespeare started School

    School: King's New School, Stratford
  • William Shakespeare Marries Anne Hathaway

    William Shakespeare was only 18 at the time.
    Anne Hathaway was 26.
  • Anne Hathaway has a Child (Girl)

    Child: Susan Shakespeare
    Father: William Shakespeare
    Baptised: 26 May, 1583
    Only six Months after William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway's Marriage
  • Anne Hathaway has Twins (Boy and Girl)

    Children: Boy - Hamnet
    Girl - Judith
    Father: William Shakespeare
    Baptised: 2 February, 1585
  • Period: to

    William Shakespeares 'Lost Years'

    Very little is known of what William got up to during this time.
    But many scholars have different 'assumtions' of what may have happened.
  • William Shakespeares career began

    Mid - 1580s
    This is suggested by many different Biographers based on when he became well known thoughout London
  • 'Titus Andronicus' was Published

    Unknown Date
  • 'The Taming of the Shrew' was Published

    Unknown Date
  • 'Henry VI, Part 2' and 'Henry VI Part 3' were Published

    Unknown Dates
  • William Shakespeare was part of a London Theatre Scene

    Date and Month are Unknown
    But Plays were performed outside during the late 1500s so it would be performed in Summer (June - August)
  • Many of William Shakespeares Plays were performed on London Stage

    All throughout the year.
    Date Unknown
  • 'Henry VI, Part 1'

    Unknown Date
  • 'Edward III' and 'Venius and Adonis' were Published

    Unknown Dates
  • William Shakepseares plays were performed by 'Lord Chamberlain's Men'

    'Lord Chamberlain's Men' - A company owned by many people (including William Shakespeare)
    Soon became leading company in London.
    1594 onwards
    No Specific Date
  • 'The Comedy of Errors' was Published

    Unknown Date
  • 'Richard II' was Published

    Unknown Date
  • Hamnet Dies

    Reason: Unknown
    Buried: 11 August 1596
  • William Shakespeare bought 2nd Largest House in Stratford ('New Place')

    Date Unknown
  • 'Romeo and Juliet' and 'Richard III' were Published

    Unknown Dates
  • 'Heny IV, Part 1' and 'Love's Labour's Lost' were Published

    Unknown Date
  • Globe was bulit

    In Patnership of Company
    On bank of River Thames
    Dates Unknown
  • 'Henry V' was Published

    Unknown Date
  • Many Plays were Published

    Unknown Dates
    'A Midsummer Night's Dream'
    'Much Abo About Nothing'
    Sir John Oldcastle'
    The Merchant of Venice'
  • 'The Merry Wives of Winsor' was Published

    Unknown Date
  • Queen Elizabeth I's death

    'Lord Chamberlain's Men' were awarded a royal patent by King James I.
    'Lord Chamberlain's Men' then changed there name to the 'King's Men'
  • 'Love's Labour's Won' and 'Hamlet' were Published

    Unknown Dates
  • William Shakespeare investes in share of parish tithes in Stratford

    Date Unknown
  • 'The London Prodigal' was Published

    Unknown Date
  • Partnership also took over the Blackfriars indoor theatre.

    Records show this made William Shakepeare a wealthy man.
    Date Unknown
  • 'The Merry Devil of Edmonton' and 'King Lear' were Published

    Unknown Dates
  • 'Trolius and Cressida' and 'Pericles, Prince of Tyre' were Published

    Unknown Dates
  • Fewer Plays

    After 1613 no plays written
  • 'The Second Maiden's Tragedy' was Published

    Unknown Date
  • William Shakespeare dies

    Aged 52
    Month After he signed his WIll
    William Shakespeare describes it as a "Perfect Death'
  • 'Othello' was Published

    Unknown Date
  • Many Plays were found and Published

    Unknown Dates
    'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar'
    'The Tempest'
    'The Twelfth Night'
    'As You Like It'
    'Anthony and Cleopatra'
    'The Winter's Tale'
    'The Tragedy of Coriolanus'
    'Measure for Measure'
    'All's Well That Ends Well'
    'King John'
    'Timons of Athens'
    'Henry VIII'
  • 'The Two Noble Kinsmen' was Published

    Unknown Date