
William Shakespare

  • Apr 23, 1564


    William Shakespeare was born in Straford England
  • Period: 1578 to

    The lost years

    There were no documented facts about the life of William Shakespeare between leaving school in 1578 and marrying Anne Hathaway in 1582! This time is therefore referred to as the First Lost Years
    The Second Lost Years - Between 1582 and 1592
    With such little documented evidence of the life of William Shakespeare the period between 1578 and 1592 is therefore called the LOST YEARS
  • Marriage

    in 1582 william married Anne Hathaway
  • Period: to

    Birth of his children

    First child Susanna
    Birth of twins Hamnet and Judith
  • First Opera

    First Opera
    The tragedy of Titus Andronikos is the first tragedy of Shakespeare composed 1589, teels the story of an imaginary Roman general who wants revenge on Tamora, Queen of the Goths.
  • Period: to


    William was an actor, poet and playwight, his nickname was "The Avon Board". From 1590 to 1613 william wrote a total of 37 works
  • Second Opera

    Second Opera
    Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy composed 1594 amonng the most represented and one of the most famous love stories in the world. The Love story of the two protagonists assumed in time a symbolic value becoming the archetype of perfect love.
  • Death

    Hamnet was the only son of william shakespeare and die at the age of 11 for unknown causes
  • all his operas

    all his operas
    Shakespeare's language is characterized by a multiplicity of language levels with rhetorical figures, metaphorical words , dark words and mythological allusions.
  • other operas

    other operas
    The tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Danmark among the most famous exciting tragedies of William Shakespeare with contains the famous phrase "Be or not to Be this is the dilemma!" This work explores infidelty, punishment and moral failure. Shakespeare's absolute masterpiece and one of the greatest literary works of all time.
  • death

    Williams died on his 52th birthday