Apr 23, 1564
William Shakesphere Born April 23,1564 in the town of Stratford-Apon-Avon. His house was located on Henley street, and is stil standing today. Stratford-Apon-Avon was a pleasent, thrving city filled with good buildings and trade centers. The town was famous for their craft fairs, where they sold and traded with London companies. This helped them to make a lot of money. One fair known as the Startford Mop fair still
survives today! (Fox 27) -
Jul 2, 1566
Death of Nostradamus
He was a French apothecary who wrote a book called Les Propheties. This book has not been out of publication since then. He is a significant historical fugure because even today many people follow his teachings and believe even back than he was able to predict major world events. (Randy) -
Apr 27, 1570
Pope Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth
England broke away from the Roman Catholic church. When Elizabeth came to power she maintained this. Pope Pius V disagreed with the English religion being prodistant and excommunicated Elizabeth. However, Elizabeth went on to be popular. This event was importaant because Elizabeth didn't give into the Pope. (Graves) -
Sep 3, 1574
Education at Stratford's Grammar School
Stratford's Grammar School gave Shakespeare a great eduaction leading him to become very smart. Shakesphere excelled in learning Latin, which inspired him to want to be a writer. One of his first peices work was a poem called Venus and Adonis. In Hamelt alone, he made 600 new words.
(Fox 37) -
William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway got married at the Bishop of Worecester. There was a huge gap of age between the two, Shakespeare being 18 and Hathaway being 26 and pregnant. After Hathaway gave birth, the couple named the child Susana. To this day it is not known if they were truly in love, however, when Susana was just 18 months old Hathaway
gave birth to twins Hamnet and Judith. This event is significant because his marrige inspired him to write more. (Fox 439-40) -
Life in London
When Shakespeare first arrived in London the city was opposite of what we think of it today. It was a crowded, unhealthy but thriving place. At this time, it was infested with the bubonic plauge. Shakespear was intimidating to other London playwrites because he was more accomplished than they were. At only age 28 he
had already written 8 plays. This event is siginficant because most of his plays were performed and written at that time. (Mabillard) -
Thermometer Invented
Astronomer Galileo invented the theremometer. His theremometer consisted of water in a gass bulb. The water moved up and down in the bulb as the temperature changed. This is significant becasue it is the basis for which thermometers were used until only in recent years the were converted to electronic. ("inforplease") -
Romeo and Juliet
The audiences young Shakespeare had to please were interested blood and gore. Shakepeare's Romeo and Juliet was one that definitely had audiences attention, even today. It is beieved that Shakespeare based it on an Italian story written 1304. It was performed in London as theaters were reopeaning after the plauge. This event is significant because Romeo and Juliet is what Shakespeare is known for and it is
still popular today. ("Romeo and Juliet the Play", web 2005) -
Janssen's Microscope
The invention of the compound microscope can be credited to Zacharias Janssen's. At the time, optic lenses were becomming widely used. His microcope was made from three tubes. When fully extended, it could magnify up to 10 times. This is significant because microscopes are based on his model. (Davidson) -
Death of Hamnet
Shakespeares son, Hamnet who was born in 1585 died from the bubonic plauge. Hamnet was burried at Stratford which was the same place Shakespeare got married. It was not uncomon for a child to die at this time however, later that year in Shakespeare's King John he describes a parent so frantic over losing her child that she considers suicide. Obviously, the death of Hamnet is significant here and affected his writing. (Greenblatt) -
Building of the Globe theater
In 1598 Shakepeare parnered with Richard and Cuthbert Burbage to buid the Globe theater. At the time it was the most famous of all play housres. Shakepeare had control of policy. The structure was was well thought out because each side was constructed so everyone in the audience could see the entire stage. This event was significant because the Globe was where all of his plays were performed. (Fox 64-65) -
The King's Men Acting Company
When King James I took the thone, he named Shakespeare and seven actors to "The King's Men", an Acting Company. They were rewarded with four and a half yards of red cloth which was significant at this time. The company produced many types of plays. This event is significant because it shows the growing of Shakespeares reputation and respect. (Whalen 134) -
Pocahontas meets John Smith
Pocahontas saved John Smith from her father killing him after Smith was captured bye her tribe. It is said that she put her head upon Smith's so her father put the club down that he was going to use to strike him. Pocahontas went on to marry an Englishman and move to England later in her life. This event is significant because she was trying to make peace in the Jamestown Settlement between the English and her people. ("Historic Jamestown") -
Founding of Jamestown
Jamestown was the first permante english settlement in America. It was established by the London company. It was located in south east Virgina. This event was significant because it was the beginning of the United State's esatablishment. ("Info Please") -
Shakespeare retires to Stratford-Apon-Avon
There seems to be no significant event that drove him to retire. However, he had become rich and famous working in London. He bought a magnificent house with servants. The site is still visited today. This event is significant because he was able to enjoy his sucess in his hometown peacefully. ("William Shakepeare and Stratford-Upon-Avon") -
Shakepeare died with a lot of respect in his hometown of Stratford-Upon-Avon. It is unknown how he died, however, it is reported that he became sick a month before. He is burried below the Holy Trinity Church. ("William Shakepeare and Stratford-Upon-Avon")