William Goldings Life

  • William Golding Birth

    William Golding was born on September 19, 1911. He was raised in Cornwall, England.
  • William Golding's Parents

    William mother name was Mildred. She supported the movement of the British Suffragette. Alec which was his father was a teacher at a school.
  • Who is William Golding

    William Golding is a poetry writer. Before he was interested in literature, he was into science. His father didn't want him to study science but he did and then switched.
  • William Golding's College

    William Golding went to a college in Oxford called Brasenose College. He then Graduated from the college in 1935
  • Where did William Golding do and work after college

    After William Graduated collage he started working. From 1935 to 1939 he worked as an actor, a writer, as well as a producer in london.
  • William Golding Family

    In 1939 William Golding found a wife named Ann Brookfield. He later than had two kids.
  • William Golding in the navy

    Golding joined the navy. He was in the navy from 1940-1945 and he made a impact for the people. His quote from his experience was " man produces evil, as a bee produces honey"
  • Lord of the Flies

    In 1954 William Golding made a novel. The novel he created was "the lord of the flies".
  • William Golding Death

    In 1993 william golding died in Cornwall england. The cause of his death was congestive heart failure.