William Golding

  • Birth and Early Life

    Birth and Early Life
    William Golding was born on September 19, 1911, in St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, England shaping the beginnings of his life.
  • Educational Journey

    Educational Journey
    Golding graduated from Oxford University in 1935, Majoring in English literature, laying the foundation for his literary pursuits.
  • World War II Service (1939 - 1945)

    World War II Service (1939 - 1945)
    During WW2, Golding served in the Royal Navy, participating in significant events such as the sinking of the German battleship Bismarck in 1941.
  • Publication of "Lord of the Flies" (1954)

    Publication of "Lord of the Flies" (1954)
    Golding's iconic novel "Lord of the Flies" was published in 1954, marking a pivotal moment in his career and literary history.
  • Mixed Reviews and Later Acclaim for "Lord of the Flies" (1954 - 1959)

    Mixed Reviews and Later Acclaim for "Lord of the Flies" (1954 - 1959)
    Initially receiving mixed reviews, "Lord of the Flies" gained widespread acclaim and recognition as a classic in the following years.
  • Teaching Career (1935 - 1961)

    Teaching Career (1935 - 1961)
    Before becoming a full-time writer, Golding worked as a teacher and schoolmaster, an experience that influenced his understanding of human behavior.
  • Nobel Prize in Literature (1983)

    Nobel Prize in Literature (1983)
    Golding was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1983, honoring his profound contributions to literature and exploration of the human condition.
  • Publication of Various Novels (1955 - 1984)

    Publication of Various Novels (1955 - 1984)
    Golding wrote several novels throughout his career, including "The Inheritors," "Pincher Martin," and "The Spire," showcasing his diverse literary talents.
  • Knighted by Queen Elizabeth II (1988)

    Knighted by Queen Elizabeth II (1988)
    In 1988, Golding was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, recognizing his significant contributions to the field of literature.
  • Death and Legacy (1993)

    Death and Legacy (1993)
    William Golding passed away on June 19, 1993, leaving behind a lasting literary legacy and a profound impact on the exploration of humanity in his works.