
William Golding

  • Golding's Birth

    Golding's Birth
    William Golding was born in Newquay, United Kingdom on the 19th of September in 1911.
  • Childhood

    William was raised in Marlborough, England. He had a brother Joseph, a father Alex who was the schoolmaster at a grammar school, and a mother Mildred. William and Joseph both went to their father's school. William's house was next to a graveyard, making him fearful of the bodies. In 1919, at the age of 8, he received a prize of a book with an inscription: ‘Billy Golding 1919 Prize for General Improvement’. This was due to his constant prior fights with other children at school.
  • The Next Chapter - The First Book

    The Next Chapter - The First Book
    Golding was a bright student. He was jealous of the boys that got to go to the college in his area, but he was also aware of the distinct difference in social class. Later, his parents paid for him to attend Oxford. In 1934, at the age of 23, Golding published his first book, one about poems, but it gained little attention. Later he moved to London and tried acting, but that also didn't work out. His first teaching job was in 1935, and later worked out in 1938.