
William Golding

  • William Golding is born.

    William Golding is born.
    On September 19, 1911, William Golding was born.
  • William Golding is born.

    William Golding is born.
    On September 19, 1911, William Golding was born.
  • Lord of the Flies is published.

    Lord of the Flies is published.
    On September 17, 1954, William Golding's first book, the Lord of the Flies, was published. This book was banned in some places for being too violent, and it was made because of Williams's past war experiences and bad students in his class.
  • Lord of the flies is published.

    Lord of the flies is published.
    On September 9, 1954, William Golding published the Lord of the Flies book. This book was inspired by bad-acting students in his class and his time as a World War II veteran. This book is banned in some places because of its violence.
  • William Golding dies.

    William Golding dies.
    On June 19, 1993, William Golding died in England.
  • William Golding dies.

    William Golding dies.
    On June 19, 1993, William Golding died at the age of 81 in England.