William Golding

By Sean C.
  • Birth Of William Golding

    William Golding was born in 1911 in Cornwall, England. His parents were Alec Golding and Mildred Golding.
  • Education

    Golding began attending Brasenose College at Oxford in 1930 and spent 2 years studying science, in deference to his father's be-
    liefs. In his third year, he switched to the literature program, following his true interests.
  • Career And Later Years

    From 1935-39, William Golding worked as a writer, producer, and actor with a small theater in an unfashionable part of London, paying his bills with a job as a social worker. He considered the theater as his strongest literary influence, citing Greek tragedians and Shakespeare, rather than other novelists, as his primary influences.
  • William Golding's Novels

    William Golding wrote many novels, such as Lord Of The Flies (1954), Pincher Martin (1956), Free Fall (1959), The Spire (1964), The Pyramid (1967), The Scorpion God: Three Short Novels (1971), Darkness Visible (1979), The Paper Men (1984), The Sea Trilogy (Different Dates).
  • Outlets For Violence

    Most societies set up mechanisms to channel aggressive impulses into productive enterprises or products. On the island, Jack's hunters are successful in hunting meat for the group because they tap into their ability to commit violence.
  • Effect Of Fear

    Golding addresses the effects of fear on the individual and on a group. for individuals, fear distorts reality when Samneric's terror at spotting the dead paratrooper magnifies their experience from merely seeing movement and hearing the chute to being actively chased down the mountain as they flee.
  • Concept

    Golding uses the boys' fear of a mythical beast to illustrate their assumption that evil arises from external forces rather than from themselves. This fearsome beast initially takes form in their imaginations as a snake-type animal that disguises itself as jungle vines.
  • Identity

    Golding conveys the beast's identity through the literal actions of Jack and his tribe and through the abstract concept conveyed in Simon's vision. Simon's revelation about the beast comes about him after he witnesses the so's death and beheading.
  • Manifestations

    Part of Golding's intent was to demonstrate that the evil is not restricted to specific populations or situations. On the island, the beast is manifest in the deadly tribal dances, war paint, and the manhunt.
  • Other Work, Honors, And Awards

    Golding was knighted in 1988. Golding's greatest achievement, however, was being awarded The Nobel Prize for Literature in 1983.