
William Golding

By Penny.T
  • Birth

    On September 19th, 1911 William Golding was birthed by his mother Mildred Golding.
  • Graduates college

    Graduates college
    William Golding graduated college from Brasenose College, Oxford in 1935.
  • William Golding gets married

    William Golding gets married
    On September 30th, 1939 got married to Ann Brookfield, an analytic chemist.
  • William Golding joins the Royal Navy

    William Golding joins the Royal Navy
    In 1940, William Golding joined the Royal Navy and served in command of a rocket launcher and was in an invasion of Normandy.
  • First child was born

    First child was born
    In 1940, William Golding's first child, David, was born.
  • Second child born

    Second child born
    In 1945, William Golding's second child, Judith, was born.
  • Lord of the Flies was published.

    Lord of the Flies was published.
    His famous book "Lord of the Flies" was published on September 17th, 1954.
  • Booker Prize

    Booker Prize
    In 1980, William Golding earned a Booker Prize for is book "Rites of Passage".
  • Nobel prize

    Nobel prize
    In 1983, William Golding got a Nobel Prize for his debut novel "Lord of the Flies".
  • Death

    William Golding came to an unfortunate end on June 19th, 1993.