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William Golding

By alegro
  • Growing up

    Growing up
    William Gerald Golding was born in Cornwall, England, in 1911. His mother, Mildred, was a strong supporter of the British suffragette movement. His father, Alec, was a schoolteacher and an ardent advocate . This rationalist viewpoint was not tolerant of emotionally based experiences, such as the fear of the dark that Golding had as a child. His father wielded a tremendous influence over him, and, in fact, until leaving for college, Golding attended the school where his father taught.
  • Education

    Golding began attending Brasenose College at Oxford in 1930 and spent 2 years studying science, in deference to his father’s beliefs. In his third year, however, he switched to the literature program, following his true interests. Although his ultimate medium was fiction, from an early age, Golding dreamed of writing poetry.
  • Education

    He began reading Tennyson at age seven and steeped himself in Shakespeare's work. While still at Oxford, a volume of Golding's poems was published as part of Macmillan's Contemporary Poets series. Later in life, Golding dismissed this work as juvenile, but these poems are valuable in that they illustrate his increasing distrust of the rationalism he had been reared on, mocking well-known rationalists and their ideas.
  • Education

    In 1935, he graduated from Oxford with a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in education.
  • Occupation

    Schoolteacher, poet, novelist, playwright