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William Golding

By Baker24
  • The day he was born

    The day he was born
    William Golding was born September 19, 1911, in Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall, England
  • Graduating

    In 1934, a year before he graduated, William published his first work, a book of poetry aptly entitled Poems.
  • Teaching in Salisbury

    Teaching in Salisbury
    In 1935 he started teaching English and philosophy in Salisbury.
  • Married

    In September 30, 1939 he got married to Ann Brookfield.
  • Join the Royal Navy

    Join the Royal Navy
    He temporarily left teaching in 1940 to join the Royal Navy.
  • Second Child was born

    Second Child was born
    1945 he had his second child Judith
  • Teaching and Writing

    Teaching and Writing
    In 1945, after World War II had ended, Golding went back to teaching and writing.
  • Lord of the Flies

    Lord of the Flies
    In 1954 he published his first novel, Lord of the Flies.
  • Film

    In 1963, the year after Golding retired from teaching, Peter Brook made a film adaptation of the critically acclaimed novel.
  • Nobel Prize

     Nobel Prize
    In 1983, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
  • Knight queen Elizabeth ll

    Knight queen Elizabeth ll
    In 1988 he was knighted by England’s Queen Elizabeth II.
  • Death

    On June 19, 1993, he died in Perranarworthal, Cornwall, England.