William golding 1983

William Golding

  • Birth

    William Golding was born in Newquay United Kingdom to his parents Alec and Mildred Golding.
  • College graduation

    College graduation
    He went to Marlborough Grammar School, where his father taught, and at Brasenose College. He graduated in 1935.
  • Mariage

    William Golding married Ann Brookfield.
  • First Child is born

    First Child is born
    His son David was born.
  • Second Child is born

    Second Child is born
    His daughter Judith was born.
  • Joins Navy

    Joins Navy
    William Golding joined the Royal Navy.
  • Lord of the Flies is published

    Lord of the Flies is published
    William Golding publishes his first novel, Lord of the Flies.