William Golding

  • Birth

    Golding was born on September 19, 1911, in Newquay United, Kingdom. His parents were Mildred Golding and Alec Golding.
  • Childhood

    When William was young, he attended Marlborough Grammar School, which his father ran. William was very bratty; it is even said that he enjoyed hurting people.
  • Career

    William went to college at Brasenose at Oxford, where he studied science against his father's beliefs, and later switched to studying literature.
  • Marriage

    William Golding later in his life married Ann Brookfield, and they lived together in Falmouth, Cornwall
  • Military

    Golding joined the the Royal Navy in 1940, during World War II. He served on a destroyer that was involved in the sinking of the German battleship Bismark. He later left the Navy in 1945.
  • Children

    William Golding had two children who were David and Judith Golding.
  • First Book

    First Book
    After 21 rejections, William Golding's first big book, Lord of the Flies, was released.
  • Awards

    Golding won the Nobel Prize for literature, with the help of his book "The Lord of the Flies"
  • Facts

    Golding started teaching English and philosophy in Salisbury in 1935.
  • Death

    William Golding died in Perranarworthal, Cornwall, England. Due to heart failure at the age of 81