220px william golding 1983

William Golding (1911-1993)

  • Born

    William Gerald Golding was born in Newquay, United Kingdom.
  • First Published Work

    First Published Work
    In 1934 Golding published his first official book. It was just a book a of Poem titles "Poems."
  • Teaching

    Since Golding decided to follow in his father's footsteps becoming a teacher. 1935, he did so teaching English and Philosophy at Wordsworth school in Salisbury.
  • Period: to

    Royal Navy

    Year of 1940 Golding decided to stop teaching and join the Royal Navy. To which he would fight in World War II. He spent his years on boats. Later meeting his love life. In 1945 when World War II ended he went back to his regular teaching and writing.
  • Lord Of The Flies

    Lord Of The Flies
    In 1954 William Golding finally pushing his first and popular "Lord Of The Flies" after it having 21 rejections. Which became a film later on.
  • Death

    William Golding died of a heart attack in Perranarworthal, Cornwall.