William Golding

  • William Golding was born

    William Golding was born
  • William attended Brasenose College at Oxford University

    William attended Brasenose College at Oxford University
  • Golding took a position teaching english

  • He worked in settlement houses & theatre

  • He abandoned his profession to join the Royal Navy

    He abandoned his profession to join the Royal Navy
    He also fought in the World War 2
  • He fought battleships during World War 2

    He fought battleships during World War 2
    During WW 2 he fought battleships at the sinking of the Bismark.
  • He published Lord of the Flies

    He published Lord of the Flies
    after 21 rejections he finally got to publish the book.
  • He published his first article.

    A year before he graduated he published his first work.
  • Died of a heartattack

    Died of a heartattack
    After he passed away, his completed manuscript for The Double Tongue was published postumously