William Clark's Life

  • Birth

    William Clark was born in Ladysmith, Virginia. His parents names were Ann Roberts Clark and John Clark.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    Battle of Fallen Timbers
    At the Battle of Fallen Timbers Clark commanded rifle men. This led Clark to lead a mission in Missouri.
  • Exploration

    Meriwether Lewis asked Clark to co-lead an exploration of the Louisiana Territory.
  • General

    Clark was now the general of the militia of the Louisiana territory. He was chosen by President Jefferson.
  • Meriwether Lewis Dies

    Meriwether Lewis Dies
    Lewis dies and Clark starts drinking more. He acquires debt and lots of family issues. He falls into depression.
  • Freemason

    William Clark joins the Freemasons. A secret society.
  • New Jobs

    New Jobs
    James Madison appoints Clark as Missouri territory governor and official Superintendent of Indian affairs. This motivated Clark to fix his debts.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    Clark leads an expedition for the War of 1812. He was appointed to lead by James Madison.
  • Death in the Family

    Death in the Family
    Julia, Clark's wife passes away. After her death Clark marries her cousin and has 3 more children.
  • Congress Recognizes William Clark

    Congress Recognizes William Clark
    Congress appoints William Clark as the superintendent of Indian affairs. He already had the title but this was when congress recognized him as the Superintendent.
  • Death

    Clark dies at age 68 of natural causes. He is buried at Bellefontaine cemetery.