William Butler Yeats

By 24080
  • William Butler Yeats was born in Dublin.

    William Butler Yeats was born in Dublin.
    In June of 1865, he was born in Dublin, Ireland.
  • William Butler Yeats attends the Metropolitan School of Art

    William Butler Yeats attends the Metropolitan School of Art
    He was trained in law, but abandoned it for art school. He later dropped out of art school in 1885.
  • Yeats returns to London

    Yeats returns to London
    As a child, Yeats was familar with London and he returned there to meet with writers, he also met Maud Gonne there.
  • Yeats publishes The Countless Cathleen.

    Yeats publishes The Countless Cathleen.
    Yeats published this play in 1892 and it was dedicated to Maud Gonne.
  • Yeats helps found the Rhymers' Club poetry group.

    Yeats helps found the Rhymers' Club poetry group.
    Along with Ernest Rhys, Yeats and him found the Rhymer's Club Poetry group in London.
  • William Butler Yeats and Lady Gregory co-founded the Irish Theatre.

    William Butler Yeats and Lady Gregory co-founded the Irish Theatre.
    They both helped found the Irish National Theatre Society in Ireland.
  • The King's Threshold was published.

    The King's Threshold was published.
    One of Yeats best known plays was published.
  • William Butler Yeats gets married to Georgiana Hyde-Lees.

    William Butler Yeats gets married to Georgiana Hyde-Lees.
    He got married to Georgiana after he was rejected Iseult Gonne, the daughter off Maud Gonne, who he also had asked to marry him before.
  • The Wild Swans at Coole was published.

    The Wild Swans at Coole was published.
    One of Yeats most famous poems was published.
  • The Second Coming is published.

    The Second Coming is published.
    Among Yeats's most well known poems, it is published and is about the "second coming" of Jesus.
  • He becomes a senator in 1922.

    He becomes a senator in 1922.
    William went from writing to politics as he worked as a senator for 6 years in Ireland.
  • Yeats wins a Nobel Prize

    Yeats wins a Nobel Prize
    William Butler Yeats wins a Nobel Prize in literature for "his his always inspired poetry"
  • The Tower was published.

    The Tower was published.
    The Tower was a book of poems Yeats released late in life.
  • Yeats dies at height of fame

    Yeats dies at height of fame
    William Butler Yeats dies at 73 at a boarding house on the French Riviera.
  • Last Poems and Two Plays was published

    Last Poems and Two Plays was published
    Another famous work published after Yeats passes away.