Will Boggio

By wboggio
  • Birth

    How many people in the world were born in 1999?
  • Period: to

    My Life Until Now

  • Little Brother was Born

    Little Brother was Born
    Does genetic relation to a specific parent occur more in a first child or in children that follow?
  • I Started Elementary School

    How many kids in the United States go straight to Kindergarden and skip Preschool on an annual average?
  • Little Sister was Born

    Little Sister was Born
  • I Got a my First Dog

  • Left the Country for London

    How many tourists visit London on averager per year?
  • Came to CFA

    Came to CFA
  • I Recieved my Driver's Permit

  • Skiing in Colorado

    Skiing in Colorado
    Who discovered the sport of skiing? Was it created for sport or a convienence of crossing mountains?
  • I Got a Car!!!