Wilkerson Erikson Assignment

  • Fred Begins Fourth Grade

    Fred (age 10) begins fourth grade. He plans to win the fall reading challenge by reading more books than any of his classmates. In Erikson's fourth stage, industry versus inferiority, The children face a crisis between performing well and developing pride in their achievements or performing poorly and feeling shame and inferiority.
  • Fred Begins Ninth Grade

    Fred (age 15) begins his freshman year of highschool. He wants to take advantage of the music programs at his school, but feels pressure from his friends to play baseball. In Erikson's 5th stage of Identity versus Confusion, adolescents face the crisis between developing a strong and independent sense of self and becoming insecure and confused about their beliefs and identity/
  • Fred Marries Janine

    Fred (age 25) marries Janine, a successful 32 year old mechanical engineer. In Erikson's sixth stage, young adults face the crisis between Intimacy and Isolation: success means forming lasting relationships (intimacy) while the result of failure is loneliness and isolation.