Birth Date
William Gordon was born September 19, 1911. He was born in minor Cornwall, England. He was raised in a 14th century house. His mother fought for women’s rights, and his dad was a school master. -
He received an education his whole life, and after graduating college at Oxford University, his first job was following in his dad’s footsteps and become a school teacher. He took up the English and philosophy position, and taught at Bishop Woodworth’s school. -
William got married to his wife, and Brookfield in 1939. He then went on to have two kids, David born 1940 and Judith born 1945. -
End of Teaching Career
William temporarily stopped teaching and went to work in the Royal Navy. He spent the next six years of his life on a boat. This is where he gained his love for the sea and for sailing, and this is also where he began to see people fully. Especially during WW2, He said ”I began to see what people were capable of doing” and he understood that ”men produce evil like bees produce honey.“ -
Published Book
William always had a love for writing , ever since he was a little boy he wrote stories although they were unsuccessful. When he entered his adult years he began riding again, little did he know his first ever book “Lord of the flies “would be his best. After 21 rejections he finally published it in 1954. It “explores the savage side of human nature“ with young boys stranded on an island after a plane crash. This Book is filled with symbolism and sets a tone for his other projects. -
Nobel Prize Winner
In 1983 William Golding finally won a noble prize for his great work “Lord of the flies“. His prize was in literature and he presented a great viral speech. -
1993 William Golding passes away from a heart attack in June. He was in perranarthowal, Cornwall England living with his wife Judith.