Period: to
Wilhelm II
Birth of Wilhelm
Wilhelm was born of on the 27th of November 1879, son of Fredrick Wilhelm, king of Prussia, and Victoria Wilhelm, oldest daughter of Queen Victoria's of England. In Wilhelm's birth the docter damaged Wilhelms left arm permenently. This would cause Wilhelms prevention from basic things such as cutting his own food. (Magil 4175) -
Lincoln takes office
Abraham Lincoln takes office as the President of the United States. He tries to reassure southern states, announcing that he does not intend to interfere, directly or indirectly, with the institution of slavery. But southern politicians have allowed themselves exaggerations and panic. Some southern states proclaim secession. Shooting erupts in the South over who will possess federal forts. (Smitha 1860) -
Formation of Germany
Without the formation of Germany Wilhelm II wouldn't be able to obtain the power to be considered a footnote in history. Wilhelm would of become king of Prussia bordering many german states guarded by the congress of Vienna.
The formation of Germany was taken after certain events such as the franco-prussian war and the prussian annexiation of Holstein and the willingness of the banding of smaller German states to unification though nationalism. (Cowles 363) -
Japan vs the west
Feudal lords and others have been conspiring against the Tokugawa rule. A rallying cry is, "Honor the Emperor; expel the barbarian." Despite the anti-barbarian slogan, US, British, French and Dutch forces join against the shogunate, shelling coastal fortresses and sinking the shogun's ships. Tokugawa rule is declared over. The capital, Edo, is renamed Tokyo. The emperor rules nominally while civil war continues. (Smitha 1860) -
Wilhelm II Graduates at the University of Bonn
The prince of Germany attended the University of Bonn where he was introduced to conservative ideals. This would later inspire Wilhelm to be a centralist and would be inspired to a stroung milatary. Here Wilhelm evolved a quicker mind and a shorter temper. Wilhelm became the center of attention from causal to formal events with the stress he developed at Bonn. (Cowels 387) -
Barbed Wire
In the United States of Americs, barbed wire was invented. Mostly used by farmers to keep cattle off their property, it proves useful as much to the milatary of the United States tonot only keep people out but keep people inside the walls of the baracks. (Smitha 1870) -
Ending of Jury trials in Russia
Vera Zasulich, a member of the youthful radical group "Land and Liberty," seeks revenge for the beating that one of her activist friends has received in prison. She shoots and wounds the military governor of St. Petersburg and is tried by a jury, which fails to convict her. The government responds by ending jury trials for people charged with politically motivated crimes. The government also steps up its arrest and exile of persons suspected of supporting terrorism. (Smitha 1870) -
Wilhelm marries Princess Augusta Victoria
Wilhelm II marries Princess Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein. The couple would go on to have seven children. Augusta would become a lover rather then a thinker that Wilhelm needed in his policial career. she was born on 1858 and died on 1921 (Cowels 396) -
Moral Code
In Uganda, Christians object to the King Mwanga's homosexual relations with young boys and men who serve him as pages and attendants. Mwanga has numerous Christians put to death, some by burning. Christians arm themselves and ally with local Muslims in a civil war against Mwanga. (Smitha 1880) -
Three Kaisers under a year
Wilhelms II father Fredrick III became Kaiser of Germany after his father Wilhelm I died. Fredrick III was already suffering with throat cancer coming into office. He would die on June 15 1888, making Wilhelm II taking the crown (Cowels 478) -
Otto Von Bismarck forced to resign
Otto Von Bismarck only had his past to remember, from being the centerpoint of German unification to making allies with Russia, Austrian, and Italy, Bismarck was becoming a conterversial topic as he became more hated by the second. When Wilhelm took office he looked up to Bismarck but over time he realized the Iron Chancellor was spreadig anti Wilhelm properganda. He was then replaced him with a Milatary General. (Cowels 287) -
Farming in Americas
The US economy has benefited from the sale of agricultural products to Europe, but Europe is in an economic contraction. In the United States, what has been a booming economy plunges. The Reading Railroad has collapsed financially. Hundreds of banks and businesses dependent upon the Reading and other railroads have failed. Gold is being exported to Europe. Money in circulation declines.Agricultural depression spreads in the West and South of the United States. Unemployment to 18.4% (Smitha 1890) -
Being accused a Homosexual
Wilhelm II was a well known man as many other world leaders and such like, he was accused of false rumors. One of the greatest and harshed at the time was that he was being accused as a Homosexual. This man who fathered many children with his two wifes was angry at these insults. This is to be know as the Eulenburg-Harden affair, in which members of his circle of friends were accused of being homosexuals. Although there is no evidence that Wilhelm was gay. (Cowels 567) -
The interview
German foreign policy on the basis of his emotions, resulting in incoherence and inconsistency in German relations with other nations. He also made a number of public blunders, the worst of which was The Daily Telegraph affair of 1908. Wilhelm gave an interview to the London-based newspaper in which he offended the British by saying such things as: “You English are mad, mad, mad as March hares.” This created a english anti German bias where much of the media targeted Germany. (Cowels 689) -
World War II breaks out
Wilhelm signed the order for German mobilization following pressure from his generals–Germany declared war against Russia and France during the first week of August 1914– he is reported to have said, “You will regret this, gentlemen.” This would later bring Wilhelm and his empire to its knees. He would be forced to resign by rebellion in 1918 being forced to go to the Nertherlands in exile. (Cowels 698) -
Death in the Netherlands
As Adoft Hitler contuines his rampage in Europe, Wilhelm stays in exile in the Netherlands as he remarks the Nazis as a disgrace to the Germans. Wilhelm dies at the age of 82. The Kaiser known for being evil for starting WWI never had the intentions to it but provoked. the name Kaiser William Wilhelm II will live in history. (Cowels 856)