WII Timeline

  • Germans Invade Poland

    Germans Invade Poland
    In a sudden attack by the Germans, Poland was invaded. Britain and France became uneasy about Germany's reasoning for the attack and declared war on Nazi Germany.
  • Hitler Launches a Surprise Invasion of Norway and Denmark

    Hitler Launches a Surprise Invasion of Norway and Denmark
    Within hours of this attack, both Denmark and Norway fell to Germany. Germany quickly began creating military bases on the coasts of Norway and Denmark to attack Great Britain. These attacks lead to German troops sweering through the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.
  • Northern France Surrenders to Germany

    Northern France Surrenders to Germany
    Northern France surrendered to Germany, however southern France was controlled by a puppet government lead by Marshal Philippe Petain.
  • Period: to

    The Battles between Great Britain and Germany

    During this time Germany bombed Great Britain, especially London. As well the British were able to get a Enigma machine to decode the German communications. this enabled them to defend and attack German in a effective way. Hitler soon called off the attacks on Great Britain and began to focus on the lower parts of Europe.
  • Germans Fail to gain the Soviet Union

    Germans Fail to gain the Soviet Union
    Hitler decided to attack the Soviet Union, however they were not ready for the Germans to attack. Even though they had they had the largest army in the world, their soldiers were not trained or armed properly. But the Soviet Union was able to fend off the Germans after costing the Germans 500,000 lives.
  • U.S.A. joins WWII

    U.S.A. joins WWII
    When a German boat shot down a American destroyer in the Atlantic, President Roosevelt order for all German submarines to be shoot on sight. America was now in the World War.
  • The Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    The Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    This event led to the U.S.A. joining World War II. Japanese war planes attacked Pearl Harbor, creating a massive plume of smoke and fire. A total of 2,335 military personnel were killed in the attack.
  • The Final Solution Began

    The Final Solution Began
    Jews were sent to extermination camps that had massive gas chambers, these would kill almost 6,000 humans a day.
  • All Japanese-Americans are placed in camps

    All Japanese-Americans are placed in camps
    Roosevelt orders all Japanese to be placed n camps. These were put in place to make sure they will not rebel against America. However two-thirds of the residents at the camps were born in America.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    American forces hid while Japan forces began to attack the island of Midway. However when they began to attack, U.S.A. fleets came in and attacked the Japanese planes. They destroyed 332 Japanese planes.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Luftwaffe ordered for the army to raid Stalingrad and set the city ablaze. The city was already destroyed, however Stalin ordered his troops to defend the city.
  • The Invasion of Italy

    The Invasion of Italy
    Britain and America attack Italy against the advice of Stalin. On September 3, Italy surrendered to the surrounding troops. However Germany gained control of Italy and put Mussolini in charge again.
  • The Normandy Landings (D-Day)

    The Normandy Landings (D-Day)
    D-Day was the day of a planned attack on Normandy, France. American, British and Canadian military personnel arrived on the beach to quickly attack Germany without them knowing. However, the Germans were ready to fight. This was the start to the end of WII.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Both Allies and Soviet troops began to close around Berlin. Hitler hid in the crumbling city and married his partner, Eva Braun. They both committed suicide.
  • President Roosevelt Dies

    President Roosevelt Dies
    President Roosevelt dies suddenly before Germany surrenders.
  • The Murder of Mussolini

    The Murder of Mussolini
    After Italian resistance fighters found Mussolini hiding in a truck disguised as a German soldier. He was shot and killed. He was hung n the streets.
  • The German Surrender is Accepted

    The German Surrender is Accepted
    The Third Reich calls out for surrender and it is accepted by General Eisenhower.
  • V Day

    V Day
    On this day, the Nazi Germans were stopped. All across Europe people celebrated and brought out flags. It was seen as the end of suffering and was the official end of WII
  • Fighting in Japan between the Japanese and Americans ends

    Fighting in Japan between the Japanese and Americans ends
    The harshest fights in the war had ended. Japan lost 100,000 men and America lost 12,000.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    Japan surrenders to the Allies. Ten days later the Allies write and send the Potsdam Declaration. It stated that all Japanese military weapons and armed forces must surrender. These terms were accepted by the Japanese ruler, Emperor Hirohito.