The holocaust was a very dark and emotional time for the Jews. The group Nazis concluded every problem of Germany to be because of the Jews. This groups was later given more power and attention when Hitler rose to power. As a result camps were made where Jews were isolated and killed. -
Germany invades Poland
The result of Germany wanting to regain their territory caused WWII to being. Germany came from the sky and ground with everything they had. The polish were the underdog because they did not have the right equipment as the Nazis. And as a results Poland lost but Britain bombed Germany 3 days later. -
Stalin attacks Finland
After there was a bombing in Helsinki, the soviet soldiers got ready to attack. They wore summer clothes in the winter which was a huge mistakes because many lives would be lost. -
Winston Churchill becomes prime minister of Britain
Winston was known for his military knowledge which helped Britain in the long run. He always worked to save his country and did an excellent job. In a speech he gave he said" i will never surrender" and he never did during his ruling. This is very significant because it shows he is very dedicated to win and overcome. -
Battle of Britain
The battle was between the British and Germans. This battle was caused because the Germans wanted to invaded Great Britain to destroy the Royal Air Force. Although the Germans had more weapons the British could fight them off. -
Lend-Lease Act
This act helped foreign countries in the war. This allowed the U.S to help to defeat the enemy in the war and battles. As a major result in concluded the U.S to be one step into the war and being fully apart of it and not just helping out. -
Germany attacks France
Hitler wanted to conquer France to gain more land and power for this growing army. But before he could conquer France he planned to conquer Holland ans Luxembourg therefore it would be easier and take down later. As a result everything went his way and France surrender. -
German Blitzkrieg on the soviet Union
The soviet union was determined to stop the Germans and their plans. The Nazis coded named the operation 'Barbarossa" and was the largest German military operation. As the acted made both party sign a pact. -
Hitler takes over the Balkans
Hitler ordered his troops to focus on Yugoslavia and Greece. He launched the assault in order to secure Germany's Balkan and have more entry and passages. -
Bombing of pearl harbor
The bombing of pearl was caused by japan. This was a surprise attack and caused the Americans to start discriminating all the Japanese-Americans living in the U.S. Not only to start questioning them but all to start isolating them from the social and economy parts of america. -
Japanese internment camps
As a result of the Bombing of pearl harbor the Untied states many internment camps to out all the Japanese-Americans. There they were treated poorly and feed horrible food. As a results many lost their homes and kept prisoners. -
Battle of midway
This battle occurs 6 months after the bombing of pearl and was a very tense and key battle. Japan wanted to conquer the U.S to take there air base and make america weaker. -
battle of stalingrad
The battle of Stalingrad was a special war because it was fought throughout the winter. And fighting in the war during the winter in Russia was a huge loss for Hitler because he could fight though the harsh weather and the Russian were better and planning did oput smart the Nazis. -
The battle of Guadalcanal was a huge win for the allies because this increased there way of winning the war against thew Germans. This was a wake up call for both parties because the allies learned that its not just about the strength in numbers but how good ones strategies are. And for the Germans it was a huge loss because there not invincible. -
Tehran conference
This was a conference that was held in Tehran, Iran. The meeting was between the President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin. -
D-day was when the american tried to invaded the soviet Union to push them back from the beach at Omaha beach. That day everything went back for the allies for examples the bombs that were meant to drop missed completely, The food the soldiers were fed was bad as in during the journey to the beach the soldiers got sea sick. And also the ting boat only had one way of getting off and it was through the front which made it an easy target to get shot at. But the allies manage to push the Germans out -
F.D.R's death
the way that Franklin Roosevelt died was that in a conference. He said that he had a major headache and two hours died from a cerebral hemorrhage( where the brain tissues bleed and cause the whole brain to damaged) -
Mussolini's assassination
Benito Mussolini was summarily executed by anti-fascist partisans in the small village of Giulino di Mezzegra in northern Italy. Everyone wanted to get a chance to kill him themselves but celebrated when he was taken down. -
Hitler's suicide
Hitler had a bunker in Berlin where he committed suicide. The reports say that he swallow a cyanide capsule which is a pill that kills you with that he shot himself in the head as well. -
Potsdam Conference
Germany had surrendered in May but the war with Japan was still going on. The purpose of the Potsdam meeting was the implementation of the agreements reached at Yalta. The atmosphere at Potsdam was often acrimonious, presaging the imminent Cold War between the Soviet Union and the West. -
Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagaski
After the U.S was island hopping, it was estimated to tale 1/2 million soldiers to fight japan. The Americans could send troops or drop an atomic bomb that they've been experimenting. And so they dropped the bombs and ended the feud. -
battle of el alamein
The first battle of el alamein was to take over as much land as possible. One key element was that the battle happened in the desserts and was a very difficult and hot climate to overcome. -
Formation of the U.N.
The formation of the untied nation was formed to create union and peace throughout the international borders. The focus is on helping a better society and economic means. -
Nuremberg Trials
This trial was held by the allies to figure out what the punishment for for the damage that was created by Germany. Also in the trail many leaders were punished -
Cold War
The cold war wasn't a war but mini battles against the soviet union and the United states. The united states wanted to spread the idea of capitalism as the soviet union wanted to spread their idea of communism. The cold war ended by the presidency of Bush. -
Marshall Plan
This plan was known as European Recovery Program because it focused on over $13 billion to make an income for the economic recovery of Europe. This money would be used to rebuild and reboot the economy. -
Berlin Airlift
After Germany was divided, Berlin was divide as well into west and east. The people of West Berlin had to carry the supplies and was a difficult feat given the size of the city's population. The west side was the "promise land " and many wanted to live there. -
McArtur's plan for japan
This plan was created by Douglas McArthur because he wanted to support the British allies. He is most know for forcing the pacific theater during WWII.The Japanese and Americans became allies. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Kennedy faced against the Soviet union because they found out that the soviet union was sending nuclear weapons to Cuba and caused the Americans to panic. As a result they blocked any ships from entering Cuba and the two parties were close to launch bombs to each other with would cause more destruction and problems. But they both came to an agreement that the ships would leave Cuba if the U.S takes there missiles out of turkey. And the agreement went through. -
Berlin Wall
the Berlin wall is made from concrete and can be found Germany. This barrier back in the day created physical and emotional separation between Berlin and its people. the wall is a huge symbol the represents a piece of the cold war.